Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

Carolyn had her first gymnastics tournament last Sunday.  She is what you would refer to as a recreational gymnast.  Going into the competition on the Chinese home turf, was concerned that there would be some serious athletes and she may become frustrated.  I now understand why Taiwan is never in the medal hunt in gymnastics at the Olympics.  All of the kids seemed recreational and that it was more of an activity rather than a lifestyle for them.  I'd imagine that in mainland China, these 8-11 year-olds would be close to their gymnastic prime.  Here is Babydoll mid-air

Part of her floor exercise.  Paul and I had to look away in pain
Really wasn't that exciting, but gave me a chance to take and share a couple pix.


After we were done, Betty wanted to check out the Confucius Temple nearby (bet you know where this is going already).  As with any trip to the temple, you have to make a choice of whether to get a Confucius Dog before or after your visit.

It was a pancake cart actually...fluffy lil' things filled with berries, cream or taro.  We couldn't decide which ones we liked best, so had some before AND after.

It's going to take me a while to understand the draw of the Temples.  Betty gets all woozy around them, but they all sorta look the same to me.   They are pretty but very solemn. 

That's not to say their isn't some really fun stuff to do.  Listened to these gals rocking out for a while.
If you put 4 cats into a piano (player, not baby grand), and then pushed it down a flight of stairs, that is close to what they sounded like.

Carolyn rang the prayer bell
Paul rubbed one out
And I did some translating of some of Confucius' saying's
My ancient Chinese is a bit rusty, but will translate these best I can...from left to right;

- Don't sweat the petty stuff ... and don't pet the sweaty stuff.

- Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

- Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.

- Crowded elevator smell different to midget.

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