Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7, 2012

Just got back from Chinese class...surprisingly, I am not hating it.  Having been arouund it for so long, it is much easier for me to understand conceptually than it is for my classmates.  The grandma on the other hand, has no chance.  She has so many's was that her anti-seizure medicine affects her short term memory.  The teacher said she should study and then it would become long term.  The grandma also claimed that CNN stood for Communist News Network and that she missed Fox News cause it was the only one that was "fair and balanced".  Blows my mind. 

Side note...sitting here now watching the results come in and cannot tell you how glad I am that the pro-rapists Aiken and Mourdock both lost today.  I pray that the GOP gets the message to get out of the personal liberty business and focuses only on some good ol' fashioned fiscal conservatism. 

We were talking about social etiquette today in class and the teacher agreed that the Chinese don't get it.  Am a firm believer in holding doors and saying thank you when someone one ever even acknowledges that you hold a door open and will always let one fly back on you as they go through one.  I saw an old fella nearly get knocked down this morning coming out of a shop by a young person.  They are very big on respecting the elders in their family, but screw you if you aren't blood.  You see it manifested everywhere, especially on the roads...gonna need to do something about it. 

Here is a "fact" I had not heard before...did you know that the grey hair on your head is genetic, but that having grey pubic hairs is caused by stress?  Don't ask me how I know...but I can say with pride that I am stress-free!

1 comment:

  1. My MIL has FOX on at her house all the time so bad that I have made my visits less frequent make and shorter duration. After the election she has declared no more news at her house. Only animal planet and HGTV from now on. Huzzah!
