Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week of September 12th, 2014

After last weeks post, I know you are wondering the same thing I was on the morning of Day 3...after two all-around solid days, could this be the best Bumbershoot ever?  There always seemed to be something holding it back on at least one of the days.  Bad weather, lackluster bands/performances, torn meniscus from jumping down some stairs, sound issues, even one year where a helping of pad thai with double peanut sauce (complete with mega peanut chunks) induced an episode of diverticulitis. 

Before we dig in, thought I'd give a quicky update about TW.  We have started year three here (out of a projected 5).  Carolyn just began Middle School as a 6th grader.  More homework seems to be the biggest complaint, but other than that, she is loving it, saying it is way better than elementary school.  Still playing soccer and gymnastics, has also joined the middle school student council.  The changes in her are slow, but noticeable.  Far more mature, walking to and from school by herself, more interested in bigger girl things but still lacking too much of the drama.  Saddest thing for me recently happened when I came up to hug her...I grabbed her from behind to give her a bear hug and got a handful of boob.  That move is now off the table and while I am proud of the little women she is becoming, I so miss the little girl she was.

Paul is a sophomore this year.  Betty got him hooked up with a guy at her work that has a men's softball team and he has been going out on weekends to play with them.  I think they like him most cause he isn't hung over on Saturday mornings.  Plus, they are older and/or smokers, so they put him in the outfield and let him track down the fly balls.  Other than school and sports, he has become addicted to some shoot 'em up game on the computer.  He gets on Skype with a bunch of buddies, with names like Webber and Conks, and they team up on line to go after the bad buys.  Seems innocent enough, except he will play pretty much all day and night if he can.  On Sunday (Monday being the Moon festival holiday with no school) , he got up around 10ish and other than eating (quickly) and taking a shower, which his mom made him do cause he was really stinking up the office, he did not stop playing all day.  I got up at 1AM on Monday to watch NFL RedZone (as that is 1PM EST on Sunday), and he was still at it. 

Betty told me a story she heard while sitting in there with him.  It seems that if you go onto the web and listen to some promotional video, you can earn a new weapon to play with in the game.  You can only log in once and have to listen for a certain period of time to attain the "prize" and that it matters how many users are logged in to the site...less users, less time listening to the video.  Betty is sitting with him and sees this going on and that he is keeping some kind of list...he says that this (middle of the night) is a good time to log in as there are few people (at the time 15) on line and can get his stuff faster.  He explains that he has created different logins so he can get more prizes and the list is how he is keeping is multiple identities straight.  She asks how many he has going and he says that he is 6 of the 15.  And that Conks has 4 of the others. 

Not much new with Betty, still traveling a ton.  We learned that we get a big tax break if she is off of the island for 193 days in a given year.  Adios my dear.  Friend her on Facebook if you want to see where she is at any given time.  Other than that, she seems happy with her job and with me at times.

As for me, things are fine.  Going to Bumbershoot was huge obviously.  Have dialed into certain friends that are awesome and that makes a huge difference.  Takes a while to feel out who the cool people are and think we have identified several.  Look forward to seeing them, not having to be polite and can just be ourselves.  As for Taipei itself, things should be fine once the gawdamn heat goes away.  I've gone on and on as to how miserable it makes me, but let me go a bit further.  We crank the AC in the bedroom and also sleep with a fan directly blowing on me...oscillating from head to toe.  It is just barely enough to keep cool.  Then I wake up and make breakfast before school.  Our kitchen has no AC, so standing in front of the stove for 20 minutes leaves me dripping in sweat.  Then we get into the air conditioned car which freezes the sweat on my clothes.  Then as soon as I get out of the car, it's back to the sweat.  Come in and take a shower, then hit repeat on that sweat/freeze all day long.  Open a door to the outside and it feels like you are opening the oven door and I oftenfeel like a smelly version of a just baked  Pop N Fresh.

Day 3 of Bumbershoot broke without a cloud in the sky.  Our first must see band wasn't until 5:30, so we decided to go slow in the morning and have a proper breakfast.  In the car the night before, I threw out that I'd like to have some sausage (preferably spicy), eggs, peppers and cheese, and if it could be served in an iron skillet, so much the better.  My buddy suggested we go to the lovely and quiet Sazerac downtown where I had The Diablo.  A cast iron scramble with chorizo, sauce piquant, cotija cheese, cilantro and crema that was damn good.  Nice start.  It was onto Bumbershoot one more time on the Monorail.  We'd parked daily downtown and take the 3 minute ride to and from the show on the monorail, and as we were in the musty cars with all the creaking sounds, the running gag was how we were gliding our way on the transportation of the future.  Doesn't seem as funny in the light of day, but after all the fun we were having, we would crack each other up with tales of living in the distant future...the year 2000. 

Hitting the grounds around 1ish, hooked up with a one day Bumber visitor and her daughter and decided to look at some of the totally neglected visual arts.  It is a music, comedy and arts festival after all, and I never did get so see any comedy although I hear there was some really good stuff.  I just listened to the Doug Loves Movies podcast from day 2 and it was hilarious (I rarely miss one of his podcasts, and this was one of the better ones).  Saw an interesting photo exhibit and another interactive video game presentation.  Here is my goddaughter (on the right) and some random girl battling a couple of boys in a game that was much like king of the mountain (they lost)
Girly-o wanted to see some teeny bopper band on the Mainstage, so the rest of us scanned the line-up and landed on seeing DakhaBraka.  The Stranger's guide said "do NOT miss it", which was good enough for us.  Mind blowing and face melting, hands down my favorite show of the entire weekend.  Ukrainian folk music updated into an "urban chaos" style, it was a quartet of one guy and three women who wore wedding dresses and foot long woolen hats.

They were all multi-instrumentalists playing various kinds of percussion, accordions, cello, keyboards, and they all "sang".  I put that in quotations as it was as much singing as it was soundscapes.  Different noises and sounds from each player that would build upon one another, starting slow but building into these jamming ragas that were hypnotic. 
On one song, the woman on the right went into this obviously angry rap rant that was as terrifying as it was beautiful.  Between songs, the woman standing next to us who could speak Ukranian, told us the song was about a woman whose was angry at her mother who was a whore, and it all went downhill from there.  A couple other times in the performance, she would be playing the cello and would launch into these searing distorted drones (you remember how much I like searing distortion).  The best part was that since it was early in the day, and they were an act that wasn't well known, the crowd was small and we were right up front.  Normally, this is the worst place for sound quality as the amps on stage bleed into the PA's, but it was absolutely perfect for this show. 

I don't know how it'll sound on a disc, and they don't sell their stuff on iTunes that I can find, but as Hans and Franz would say, 'hear me now and believe me later', find a way to see this group. 
Had a few hours until the next band we wanted to see, so decided to check out Mexican Institute of Sound, which was Mexican hip hop.
I don't mind the hippity hop, but like my music with a bit of nuance and this just felt like they were yelling at me, so beat a retreat after a couple songs to check out Twin Shadow. 
Described as bringing back 80's synth pop, Twin Shadow were pleasant enough to hang out for a few songs, but do we really need to bring back 80's synth pop?  The keyboard player was pretty sexy though.
Time for dinner before Bomba Estereo and had some lovely pizza at a new to Bumber (for me) pizza joint.  Quite yummy to satisfy the munchies.  As you know, Washington state is one of two that has completely legalized marijuana.  I've been waiting for the backlash and horror stories about how it is causing the end of society to come out, but all I've been reading is how it has reduced the use of heavier opiates and how much revenue it is bringing in.  I truly believe it is less destructive than alcohol and if I had to pick one or the other, it would be the weed in a landslide. 

You could always smell it historically at Bumber, but it was omnipresent this year.  In listening to people that live in Seattle, the thing that is a bummer is that people are smoking it in public places, particularly at parks where kids are playying, which is really uncool.  There has to be an etiquette established and think (hope) that will work itself out over time.  At Bumbershoot, it should be relatively free game, but realize that it is an all ages thing so one needs to be discreet.  One of the out of town friends asks me on Day 1 where the stores are.  From "research", there are only a couple open in the Seattle area, and they are unable to keep stock on hand, but heard that there are delivery services available.  Told them to look at (local city paper) The Stranger, and they could find a multitude of options.  The next day, I hear that they found a telephone number without problem and from the time they called, delivery to the hotel was within 20 minutes...better than Dominoes (which was probably the very next ).  As they were enjoying their stuff during the shows the next morning, I asked "Is it delivery of DiGiorno." 

Whatever ones feelings are about public consumption, the true attack on the senses at Bumbershoot, and really on the city of Seattle, is the wearing of Utilikilts.  I feel pretty strongly that cargo shorts look ridiculous, but these things are over the top. 

Full disclosure, I will wear a sarong from time to time, but only around the house or to/from a fancy beach (much to the kids chagrin), but would never strap one on in public.  The usual wearers of them are a particular offshoot of metal guys, with black tops and army boots being part of the attire, but you will sometimes get the sad Parrothead guy.
Wrong in every can't see it in this snap, mainly because he was moving really fast to the music and was hard to catch, but he had a nice bushel of nose hair too.  We have played the "spot the Utilikilt" game for years...5 points for every spotting, but now just simply stop and point at them, hoping that a little public humiliation will cause them to make better choices, but fear that it may only encourage them further.

There are always lots of freaks and freaky stuff to see at a music festival.

That last guy was copying images from an anime comic book during the next show of the day...Bomba Estereo.
What is it with the Japanese and their love of animal ears on women?  I cannot find anything that describes this fetish.  Anyway, Bomba Estereo is a Colombian hip-hoppy group that was very propulsive.  They had the angry sing/rapper like the Mexican Institute, but backed it up with real musicians and had differing rhythms and texture, and not simply that techno beat assault that I loathe.  The band rocked it pretty hard, and the lead rapper chick was simply an animal on stage.
Evening on day 3 came, and it was time for the much anticipated Jonathan Richman.  Fell in love with Jonathan at a Bumbershoot circa 1998, and love seeing him whenever possible.

Could not get a photo to come out at all at this show.  It's hard to describe Jonathan...singer songwriter doesn't capture it.  Troubadour isn't right...perhaps a minstrel?  They guy is totally unique and improvisational in a sweet way.  This may sound weird, but I would give the guy a big hug if given the chance.

This was the point where we waked to see Real Estate and stopped in for the Ben and Jerry's as described last entry, so was enjoying my ice cream for the first few songs listening to them.
A perfect accompaniment...light and bouncy, listening to them is sorta like lying in the grass on a warm day and watching white puffy clouds go by.  Great songs and a perfect atmosphere.

After their set, we popped our heads into a couple of songs by Rev. Horton Heat (who will always be awesome), but the three of us that were left were dead on our feet, so we thought we would pop into the Blue Water Taco for a final drink.  They were closing up shop, but as some of their best customers, they were easily persuaded to sell us the last cocktail of the night.  The dude was feeling generous cause my Jameson rocks was to the brim with just a hint of ice.  The perfect end to, yes, the perfect Bumbershoot. 


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