Monday, August 24, 2015

August 23rd, 2015

In my fervor, forgot to finish the sunny/yang side to TW traffic last week, and that is the infrequency of accidents.  I saw a ton of rear-enders this summer, especially in Seattle and have to think that it is due to people losing focus due to their phones.  What happens on the roads here is so intense, that if you take your eyes off of what is in front of you for a split second, you are bound to hit a car veering in front of you, or a scooter that came out of your blind spot.  So, cheers to Taiwan.  I just started reading a book called 'Traffic' by Tom Vanderbilt, and it is about the psychology of the road and best practices.  I understand that this diary feels like a driving blog many times, but a couple of chapters in and have been both justified and called out as a hypocrite.  More to come...

On our way to the States this summer, took the opportunity to make a 6 day layover in Japan.  We decided to check out some towns on the island of Hokkaido on the northern end of the country.  The main town there is Sapporo, famous for its beer, 1972 Winter Olympics, and the Nippon Ham Fighters baseball team.

Sapporo is a decent sized town framed by mountains, was mercifully cool, and is very walkable. 
 The above was taken from the TV Tower that dominates the skyline. 
 Only Carolyn and I went up while Paul and Betty waited below.  What the hell is Paul doing with his legs?
 This was the day we devoted to walking around the town and we stumbled upon a fair that ran in the park that cuts through the town.

This festival celebrates the dance and food from across the country.  We were far more interested in the food, and it ranged from good, to crazy to crazy good.

Was not surprised that the efficient Japanese recycle, but they had stations with wranglers to ensure that everyone recycled properly.  Love that about them.
 What we were surprised by was the size of the crows.  Never got a clean shot of them, but they were gigantic and bold.  A good 1/3 bigger than any I have ever seen.  While we were enjoying a bacon wrapped asparagus skewer in a tent, one came in and grabbed the whole thing and flew away.  This is seriously a thing.
On a free afternoon, we decided to check out the Shiroi Kobito cookie factory, a European style confectioner, they had an hourly show on the grounds with bubbles and animatronic dancing chef's...a combination of Disneyland and  Duff Gardens (that is a 12 minute version of the Duff Beer song...very raga). 
The factory floor was mesmerizing...could have watched it for hours. 

 Their cookies were truly amazing, but with a name like shrioi kobito, which means "white lover" in Japanese, that was no surprise.

Our summer tour of baseball parks also started here with a visit to the Sapporo Dome for a Yomiuri Giant v Nippon Ham Fighter game.  Our favorite Ham Fighter was Soh Nagata.  Whenever he would do something, make a play, strike out, etc., our gag was that it was Soooo Nagata.  We're idiots.

 Domes are certainly useful, but they all feel cold and impersonal.  Spicing it up with mascots helped create a fun atmosphere. 
Now that Jon Stewart's version of the Daily Show is no more, John Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight' is must see TV...check out this clip about Japanese mascots and tell me I'm wrong.

Usually ahead of the trends, Japanese stadiums are woefully behind in offering gourmet artisan food options at the park.

 I'd say that they looked like Japanese penis', but have no idea what they look like as they always tile those out...
 One day, we hopped on the train to Otaru to visit the Nikka Whisky Distillery. 
 While the Sapporo Beer factory is more famous, daddy likes his whiskey, and since he sets the itinerary...

A great choice.  Established with loving care in 1934 after a local learned the skill from Scottish craftsmen, Nikka Distilling makes theirs in that style...smoking the malt with peat, etc. 

A brilliant tour and day.
 There are lots of things to love about Japan...Monet was inspired by their water lilies and bridges.
 How about the freaking Haiku!  This isn't one, but this poem struck me in a very emotional way.
 I know they take a lot of crap for not fully apologizing for, you know, WWII and all the rape and torture and stuff, but in their defense, they take an existing product and make it awesome better than anyone.  Check out this item at the breakfast table...a combo butter and jam packet where you simply split it in the middle and squeeze both simultaneously onto your toast.  All is forgiven.

Japan also holds the world record for many cool things.  Girls dressed up like cartoon characters...

 Random sandwich boards for photo-ops...

 And hilarious signs.
Good thing this is only from the waist up.
 God "Save" The Queen?
 Dropping bags on heads seems to be a scourge...
 This poor guys bowels discharged after such an incident.
All in all, we were quite happy to have visited this fine town.


  1. You forgot soaking our feet in hot springs

  2. and sometimes it's fun to read Gomez writing like SnoopDog

    Finishin off Japan, afta all dem minutes up in Sapporo, our wild-ass asses headed downtown ta tha hood of Noboribetsu fo' a cold-ass lil couple nights, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Picked dis place cuz of its geological activity...geysers, bangin' springs, etc.

    Da first thang you peep steppin off of tha train is dis muthafucka.

    We quickly hustled dat tha demonz of Hell Valley is not evil or monstas yo, but is tha protectorz of tha sacred bangin' springs. There is nuff kinds...the romizzle demons.
