Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21st, 2017

This is the last post for a couple weeks.  We are heading to Sri Lanka on Friday and will be there for two weekends.  Not sure what to expect there, but you can bet you'll hear all about it here.  See you in February

We're going next week as we have a break for Chinese New Year.  Always look forward to this time of year as one gets to participate in annual traditions.  Eating all the sacred body parts, littering the hinterlands with lantern carcasses, and my favorite, arguing that merits of the lunar calendar.  The Earth revolves around the Sun people so can we knock this shit off?  If you are playing along, it is year number 4714, or 106, and the Rooster takes center stage.  No Roosters in this family, but there will be a cock in the White House. 

Have been relatively rant free on Trump since the election.  I really am hoping that his vanity will force him to do some good.  There has been absolutely no signs of that being the case, but you have to hope for a kind administration right?  A good thing about being older is having experience...seeing this plot play out over and over leads me not to get as worked up about it as younger folks or those with short memories.  The world was gonna end with W.  And you shoulda been there when Reagan took the oath.  Jeez...we were doomed.   A damn peanut farmer with a drunk brother?  No way.   And I sat on the floor in my footy pajamas while the Watergate hearings played out.  By all measures, this Trump guy is a complete waste and will say that anyone that voted for him had their head so far up their ass that it came back out of their neck like a Mobius strip and spewed shit all over us.  With all the crap he said about everyone (save for white dudes), and that the only folks happy about him being in are said  white dudes and Russians (that people think cozying up with Russia is a good idea  bellies every single thing I have heard in my entire lifetime, mostly by the same folks that supported him.  Simply cannot get my mind around this development), I really cannot understand you thinking he is the guy you want to represent the country..  You will be held accountable.  Yes, I am talking to you and we will remember that you did this.

I think at one point I said that his talking to the Taiwan President in an affront to China was the only positive I've seen, but since have been thinking that it was either one of two things.  One, he confused Taiwan and Thailand like most people, or that he is propping them up just to build leverage and will sell them out when he thinks he has the right deal.  Time will tell...I hope someone reads this thing in 20 years and finds I am a sage or had no effin' clue.

Writing today on the cusp of the inauguration and on Saturday morning, was gonna go and walk with the women here as they were having a march in the vein of those in the states.  I never miss a chance to hang with a group of angry women, and it was to be conveniently held right across the street, but they canceled it on the advice of the AIT (American Institute in Taiwan, the defacto embassy here as there are no "diplomatic" relations).  They said that as foreigners are guests of this country, we could risk being asked to leave.  I'll probably head over there anyway just to  see if there are any other lost souls hanging out. 

Happy New Year Park Deux

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