Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25th, 2017

A quick update on the progress of my ayurvedic medicine treatments from Sri Lanka.  You may recall that the dude removed clumps of hair off my back and as it is growing back, is itching like crazy.  A new found respect for women and their battles with depilation.

Here are some words I have never heard strung together in my presence before..."What is that music you are playing?  It is so good, can you turn it up?"

Fun story this week from the Taiwan Times.  A magma chamber has been discovered under the nearby Tatun volcanic group.  This is the volcano whose slope we live on and while an eruption is not imminent, it says our neighborhood would bear the brunt of its force.  Sweet.

In happier news from the neighborhood, a new Italian joint opened up this week.  An 8 minute (I timed it) walk from the apartment, it is exceptionally good.  I got invited to attend the soft opening last Saturday by my buddy (and local Taiwan wine celebrity) and it was fantastic.  Technically, I invited myself once I heard he was going, but still.  As it was just my pal, his wife and I, the owner sat and ate dinner with us and we got to hear all about it.  He really has an Italy fixation as everything is from there...from the utensils to the flooring to all the wine.  Wonderfully decorated but still cozy, a massive open kitchen, three floors with outdoor roof seating (and view of the aforementioned volcano), staff that is half local and half Italian and just perfect food.  We went back last night and enjoyed it just as much.  While not Olive Garden, the prices are quite reasonable for the quality, and one can get a nice bottle of wine for $20 bucks.  They are also open for breakfast and the boy and I went the other day and shared a couple of fluffy pastries and I got a double espresso Italian style.  Can you tell I am pumped?  To get a decent Italian meal in the past, we'd have to schlep 30-40 minutes downtown.  Life just got exponentially better.

Regarding my wine celebrity friend (he recently became a Master of Wine, which is the PhD of the field)  tonight is our latest installment of wine tasting.  It is a class that we organize to benefit the Community Center where 10 attendees come to our place to sample a bunch of wines, have some chow and enjoy a buzz filled evening.  This is our fourth and sadly, last one of these as our buddy and wife are moving home at the end of the school year.

Every year I have to write a passage lamenting the loss of friends here as the attrition rate for expats is high.  Some years, there is a large quantity of the good ones that go, but this year, I am really sad as the quality leaving is high.  Have probably mentioned these friends before...I met the bloke (they're Brits) at one of my earlier Chinese classes a few years ago.  Was wearing a Yo La Tengo t-shirt that first class and he not only knew, but likes them.  Obviously this guy had great taste and we struck up a friendship.  Not long after, our wives got in on the act and they became the rare couple  where we all enjoy each others company. The wife is a delight as well (she joined us for the recent Yo La Tengo show and still raves about it, so I need to say no more about her bona fides).  We can chat and laugh about anything with them without anyone getting offended.  Not only that, but the gent is a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan and we talk and watch football together a ton.   Their leaving is gonna leave a massive hole in my heart.

A short one this week.  Don't be surprised if I skip next week as am gonna meet up with Betty for a couple of nights in Ho Chi Minh city (formerly Saigon) next weekend.  She is working there and am gonna take advantage of the opportunity to see that city.  We have an early morning tour to the Cu Chi tunnels that the Vietcong used during the war and an evening foodie tour booked.  Should be some good photo ops.

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