Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23rd, 2017

Said I wasn't gonna post this week, but had a couple of minutes and a couple of things to share. 

Saw this guy on the side of the road across from our Indian food joint...he is in the position that a lot of Asians are able to rest that is totally unfathomable.  They'd make great catchers.  He is bent over, cig in mouth, totally digging at his toenails with his fingers and flicking his findings in the drain.  You don't see that every day.  Weekly maybe, but not every day.

I swear that at the local Costco, whenever the locals get near the free sample carts, they look and act like they just walked away from a plane crash and where they were the only survivor.  Totally dazed and in shock.

Mentioned last time of my secret shame/addiction of taking Buzzfeed quizzes.  Every time say it'll be the last, but they draw me in with tag lines like this...

This Snack Quiz Will Tell You What Your Farts Smell Like

How could you not click on it?  The answer was a bit out there...
  1. You got: An expensive cocktail at a secret jazz club

Had always thought these things were the product of a bunch of millennials gathered in some loft in Austin or NYC spitballing crazy ideas while eating bean sprouts and fried chicken, but after reading the description of my farts below, now realize that these must be researched with the AMA cause they describe my smell precisely.

"With notes of sweet tobacco leaf, vanilla bean, Tuscan leather and a hint of citrus, your farts bring to mind a sultry speakeasy, where the masculine scent of the hardwood bar top mingles with the smell of cigars and cold, hard cash."

My emissions are indeed as delightful as they sound.  In advance of the next time we're together, you're welcome.

Following up a comments from our travel party from the Vietnam trip about Under Armour being in trouble, saw this article confirming those rumors and helps explain why  they are in trouble.  That the CEO came out praising 45 led to a direct tanking of the brand shows the power of the people.  I said "haw haw"

The below video has been making the rounds in the local expat on-line dialogue recently.  The footage of Taiwan 20 years ago, when it was known as garbage island, is powerful.  The buildings are still ugly to look at, but marvel daily at the lack of trash strewn about and now understand why.

Pretty excited to heard to Australia this afternoon.  I spent 11 months there in 1983, mostly in Melbourne but we got around.  Not going back to Melbourne this time, mainly cause I cannot find any of my old friends or family even in this Facebook age.  Have looked for them for years to no avail.  I have so many memories that I am worried for the family that I will be reminiscing non-stop.  In preparation, stated jotting down some of the stuff I remember and am at 3 pages of notes.  That was such an amazing time for yours truly and shaped my soul into what it is today.

As above, so below.

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