Friday, March 29, 2019

March 29th, 2019

Hey there,

We're back from Myanmar but am gonna hold off writing it up this week for two reasons.  First, Betty is out of control with her camera and have north of 1400 snaps to go through.  Second, something about the trip affected my soul in a way that I'm still processing and need to spend more time reflecting.

Some quick hits for this week.  This news story must have dominated your feed this week.  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups now come in two new flavors!  One with extra chocolate and one with EXTRA PEANUT BUTTER.  They don't offer any Reese's products here and my first stop upon hitting the States in June will be to get my lips around one of those.

One more news story from the local rag to share.  Fight between drinking buddies leaves one man dead.  This is your garden variety drunken altercation, but why I am sharing it is that in the man's confession, he shared that 'as the fight escalated, Hou began to choke Chang with a belt before grabbing a Tim Horton's coffee mug and bashing it into the old man's skull.".  Where can I get a Timmy Ho mug in this dump?

Baseball season (for the school team) is heading into the home stretch and am out there with them 5-6 days a week.  It must be weighing on my mind cause I am dreaming a lot about it.  When I dream about sports, am always playing and never coaching, and my knees work and are pain free.  Had one the other day where I am playing third with the boys that I'm currently coaching, and get called on to pitch.  Somehow get into an altercation with the umpire and we're jawing pretty hard, but he hasn't thrown me out.  I get with the catcher and tell him that I'm gonna burn one right at the umpire's grill and to let it go past him.  He does and I do.  Dream over.

Told you that a new band that I have been obsessed with was playing this week and mustered a good group to check them out.  Korea's Say Sue Me.  The opener was a local band called DSPS and they did a nice job in the role of Taiwanese Blake Babies.

 Disappointingly, the show was poorly attended.  Good that we had a ton of space and could wade right up to our preferred spots, but this town does not embrace guitar rock in any way.  Waiting between sets for Say Sue Me to take the stager, our group of Gen X Westerners were amused at the locals penchant for sitting on the floor and ALL looking at their phones.  We stand out.
A floor at a show in the States would be covered in booze, but suspect the phone usage would be similar.

I loved Say Sue Me.  Tight, great pacing, cute as buttons and rocked us.  Not a discouraging word post game from my buddies and even Betty approved.

Here is a picture of the setlist and suggest you create a Spotify playlist off of it.

 I bought a t-shirt and poster and they all signed it.
A great night with a great band.  I am smitten.  Here is a short set from the American language Korean channel of theirs.  Having everything with subtitles and listening to their lyrics and banter makes me love them even more.  

Finally for today, please enjoy the trailer from Japanese B-movie RoboGeisha.  If you do not laugh at least three times, what it the matter with you?

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