Saturday, June 8, 2019

June 8th, 2019


I was/am a big Star Trek: The Next Generation Fan, who is really excited to watch the new Picard series in the Fall.  If you're not a devotee, bear with me for a second.  There is an episode in the series where Dr. Crusher is having a normal day and then people start disappearing.  Not only do they vanish, but no one seems to acknowledge that the missing people ever existed.  The world gets smaller and smaller with the ships crew starting at over a thousand people to the point where she is the only person on board.  Turns out she was in some crazy time warp bubble on her own and the crew saves her at the end of course.  Looked it up and the episode is called 'Remember Me' S4 E5 and found that info on a site devoted to MILF Dr Crusher.

Feel like I am in that episode.  I was out with a bunch of dudes last night grabbing dinner before going to see John Wick 3.  Again.  First of all, generally loathe a boys night out cause having girls around is always better.  And there are always a couple of the guys that are a bit too excited about a boys night out.  We used to call those guys 'pussy whipped' but suspect that term is on the list of inappropriate ones nowadays.  Boys nights out tend to have conversations dominated about work (zzzzzzz) or their lame hobby (golf/cycling/etc.). Kill me. The worst part though is that they feel free to casually mention all their pent up ugly views, like we all buy into their crap.  Like an onion, these include, but are not limited to, are in no particular order and are not  ranked in heinousness; Patriots/Red Sox honks, climate skeptics, Trump apologists, prostitute customers, religious types, and any of a  number of conspiracy theorists.  Don't find it surprising, but anti-vaxers aren't found in the dude-bro crowd as that seems centered in the nutty broad crowd, which has their own set of screwy beliefs.

Based on the above, are you still in my reality bubble?

My point is that as I talk to folks and start to peel their onion, seems that one of the above pops out soon enough and those people then become outside of my bubble. They existed but no longer do.  That bubble, where only people without these matter of fact shitty views and I live, gets smaller and smaller and fear that I will be the only one in it in the near future.  Dr Crusher spent that whole episode trying to understand what was wrong with everyone else and why they couldn't understand what was happening until she realized she was the one in the alternated dimension.  Am I the one in the alternate dimension and how do I figure out if I am?

Kinda related, but as the bubble closes in, being willing to take advice or recommendations from those outside of it is harder as there are fewer reliable people available.  I will usually accept a food recommendation, even from the devil, and give it a try.  With Spotify, sampling music is so easy to  dial up immediately.  Really bad taste in music is not in itself  grounds to be thrown out of the bubble, but it is usually a spot on indicator.  There is so much visual media to sort through in this era of time that it is hard to fight the noise and decide what to devote time to.  For example, I never watched a minute of Game of Thrones as no one inside the bubble ever recommended it, and as I hear all the morons that spent hours devoted to it whine how awful the end was, feel vindicated in my approach.

My newish rule is that something must be recommended at least 4 times by trusted sources, being friends or media types whose opinions I respect, before diving in.  I give my recommendations here in the assumption that you all have similar criteria and want to lend my voice to things I like.  I heard the 4th shout out for the Netflix show 'Russian Doll' and plowed through the 8 half hour episodes this week.  Groundhog Day meets 24hr Party People.  Very twisted and dark, just how I like it.  Not family viewing for sure, but if you are down with drug/sex fueled black comedy, well worth the time.

No funny local news items to share although I did enjoy reading this one about how they call President Tsai  "Spicy Taiwanese Sister".   She is a tough cookie and I really like her and your opinion of her is a determining factor if you are a resident of the Bubble.  In this article, they use the word 'sobriquet' as a synonym for nickname.  Great word.

Not a ton of stuff going on in these parts.  School is out and my baseball camp gig got canceled, so am just doing nothing.  Nothing but being miserable as the torturous heat has hit its peak (109 yesterday/91 at 2am), so doing any activity is hellish.  House is clean though.  We hit the road next weekend and am not sure if I will post before we go,  but I have been looking into the definitions of venting, whining and complaining in relation to my feelings about the heat and have some thoughts.    

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