Monday, February 15, 2021

February 15th, 2021

Hey there,

Some random stuff for today.  Updating rehab, tomorrow will be 4 weeks since surgery.  We went out with some friends right on week 3 and they asked how it was feeling, and I said 'great' so enthusiastically that I saw Betty get a look of surprise on her face.  It really does though.  While I always keep the cane with me, can easily walk without it and is almost pain free.  It is tight and still weird to sleep on my side, but feels way better than it should.  I know that cause I have looked at dozens of Web MD-like sites that discuss recovery.  The doctor here recommended a physical therapy place he uses speaks little English.  All the sites basically outlined the exact same exercises and the keys are to keep walking a bit further every day and to keep RICEing.  By all measures, my range and pain levels are a couple weeks ahead of the averages.  One thing that they all say is to wait 5-6 weeks before driving, and my guy was cool with it 2 weeks post-op.  Anyhoo, here is what it looked like yesterday...

Talking to The Boy the other day after a snowfall, and he shared a couple photos of the X-rated snowman they made, so of course have to share with you.

One of my old Arcadia High buddies was digging through some old boxes and sent along this gem of another buddy and I...1990ish I'd say.  Baked.  Nice 'staches too.

And finally from The Taiwan News, this Photo of the Day: Monkey working overtime in Southern Taiwan.  Looks like your side of the family.

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