Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Sitting here this morning listening to the Seahawks iniolate the Cardinals (51-0 in the 3rd quarter), and got me thinking about the softball tournament that we went to on Saturday.  All of the English speaking middle schools came together in Taichung (2.5 hrs south of Taipei) for an 8th grade softball tournament.  Paul's school is the biggest of these and they sent three teams while the rest of the schools "fielded" just one each.  They were obviously digging deep for players as there weren't many that looked like they had played much ball ever.  I'm not bragging on Paul being great, but he is a solid and knowledgeable player and many of the other boys on his team had similar skills.  They won the tournament with a total score in their 4 games of 106 - 7, and this was after all of the boys went to their "formal dance the night before and know that none of them went to bed before 1AM (with a 6AM departure time for the field).  It was quite ugly and we were rooting for the opposing teams for most of the day.  I can hear the Seahawk fans now cheering (and not sarcastically) a 1st down by the Cardinals.  Couple of snaps...
Carolyn was with us for the long (and rainy) day and kept a smile on her face the whole time (with a little help from the shaved ice stand).

1 comment:

  1. what is with Paul's side view, we're not taking a mugshot here....
