Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week of February 28th, 2014

I know...there is no posting last week.  That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  It has some sensitive information that, in retrospect and under sage advisement, should not be made public at this time.  I promise to post it one day.

Today (February 28th) is National Day and commemorates this date in 1947 when some bad shit went down.  I wrote about it this time last year so won't rehash, but outside our building is passing a big "parade".  From these snaps off of our balcony, you can see it's no Tournament of Roses, or even a Doo Dah Parade

The music blaring from the speakers is quite horrendous, like they are trying to raise the dead.  Have yet to hear one traditional song in Chinese that doesn't cause nausea or cats to come a runnin'.   We found out that it isn't in commemoration of the 228 Incident, but is rather a funeral procession for some old rich dude in the neighborhood.  There is an industry of people here that are paid to come to memorials to the recently dead and cry over their  bodies.  Not sure who this is supposed to appease...probably some God.  I wish there was a demand for someone to come make fun of the dead because I would be in high demand.  This parade seems a bit over the top for a dead guy and am stating here and now, that when my number comes up, that you cremate me and do what you like with the ashes.  Put 'em on the shelf if that's your thing.  If you want to scatter them, the beach would be nice...maybe a few at Dodger Stadium or at some music show would be my choices.  This fancy parade reminded me of a post I saw on Facebook by The Picture Magazine (an Australian magazine and not a bad "like" for funny/dirty comments/photos).  The post said, "When you are dead, you don't know you are dead.  It is difficult only for the others.  It is the same when you are stupid."

Some previews of upcoming topics.  Bought tickets this week for Carolyn to go see her first real concert...Avril Lavigne on March 16th.  As with everything else that's imported here, the tix were way to expensive.  $125 each.  Carolyn is an Avril superfan...last summer, we had a CD of hers, the one with SK8er Boi, and we listened to it to death.  We were all signing along to every track by the end of the trip.   I decided with the mom of Carolyn's friend that also is big into her that we'd save a few bucks if she went with the girls and I would do the chaufering.  I was telling this mom as we were buying tickets that the dad of the neighbor kid/friend (Mark Miller) across the street took us to see Kiss (Cheap Trick opened) in 1976 at the Forum in LA.  Kiss was at the peak of their powers...Kiss Alive! had recently been released.  We were the same age (10) as Carolyn is now.  That night changed my life forever.  My favorite place to be (other than with family and friends...natch) is to be in the crowd of a hot club having my ears pummeled and face melted by loud rock and roll.  I hope this does the same for my babydoll.

In other news, was notified this week that I made the list of 6 candidates for the Taipei American School Board.  Not sure how many people signed up for consideration, but am guessing not many more than 6 if they picked me, and I shudder to think what the ones they didn't choose are like.  Voting is in April and there will be 3 of the 6 voted to the Board for a 3 year term.  I have to prepare a poster and open letter to the community in the next few weeks and will be sure to share them here.  Stay tuned.

Finally, this weeks entry is short as I have been on a binge marathon re-watching the 2 1/2 seasons of Veronica Mars in anticipation of the March 14th release of the Veronica Mars movie.  You can debate the greatest shows on TV, and most people will agree that while it might not be their thing, fill in the blank...Breaking Bad/Downton Abby/All In The Family/etc, are fantastic shows.  For my money, the greatest show that no one but a lucky few watched and most people dismiss as teeny bopper trash (and they do so prejudicially without ever seeing an episode), is Veronica Mars.  Dark, supremely casted, funny, well written episodes all woven around series spanning arcs...pure genius.  Have watched from end to end at least 4 times and could, and probably will, watch 4 more. 

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