Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 17, 2013

OK...the Chinese are officially out of control.  A running gag with Betty since I've known her is our on going back and forth as to how the Chinese invented everything.  By everything, she throws out paper, gun powder and noodles, but her list pretty much runs out after those three.  So am sitting in Chinese class the other day and we're learning food vocabulary, and as the teacher is talking about the word for noodles, she mentions that they are a Chinese invention.  She knows I'm a big Italian food junkie, and so I throw out the "spaghetti comes from China, but Italians make it best"  line (go to 1:29).  She then claims that not only does pasta come from China, but they invented pizza too and wondered aloud what did Italians eat before Marco Polo?  Heresy!  Research of the web shows this Chinese claim as inherently false, but has been repeated so often that they all believe it.  Add my Chinese teacher to the list of things I used to like.

Musical Elitism Venn Diagram Shirt (Music I Used to Like)

I knew that the word Karate in Japanese translates to "open hand", meaning that they fight without use of weapons.  I just learned that the word Karaoke translates to "open orchestra", meaning singing without live accompaniment.  The Japanese prefer to perform their karaoke in front of large groups, while the Chinese go into smaller rooms with friends to perform their songs.  The popular chain of these joints is called KTV.  You rent a private room and can order food and drinks while you and your friends butcher 'Like A Virgin' or 'Waterloo' during dinner.

Note the dork flashing the peace sign.  Something to be said for both types of karaoke.  Think it takes more huevos to get up in front of a large group of friends and strangers Japanese style, but makes for a more intimate group date night Chinese style.  One of the rare win-win scenarios. 

Why is it than when I wear black socks, the lint manages to get stuck in the side of the nail of my big toe, but never after wearing white socks?  Am I alone or is this an unspoken plague on modern man?

Paul burnt is calf walking too close to a recently ridden scooter this evening and it reminded me of a joke.  Did you hear about the Polish terrorist that tried to blow up a bus?  He burnt his lips.

 Things that I am looking forward to over the next year. 
-  That a new Veronica Mars movie is being filmed this summer for 2014 release.  When I think of my favorite shows of all time, VM has to be top 5.  There is the Simpsons, Veronica Mars, and I Love Lucy.  After that, not sure. 
- Kraftwerk is playing here on April 30th, already have my tickets!
- 5 days in Boracay end of March.
- A couple of months on the West Coast this summer visiting friends and family (and getting out of this sweat box)

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