Monday, April 22, 2013

April 23, 2013

Got some really good news today...they are fixing the pool at our apartment and it'll be ready this summer.  We were so bummed when we got here last July to learn that it was out of order and they were not certain that they were going to invest in the repairs.  No question that we will be so thankful to have it this August when it's time to knock 20 degrees off of our body temps.

Am forever peeved by a certain behaviour (I peeved by others?), so am going to pass along some parenting advice.  When you are with your kids around other adults, watch and listen to how they react when they are spoken to by a grown-up.  If they answer with "fine" or "good" out of the side of their mouths while looking away, it's time to start working on their communication skills.  Kiddie improv classes are good, but just working them on replying to further a conversation would be so appreciated.  It helps as an adult when we ask a question that does not allow for the one word reply...'what did you read about in English class?', instead of  'how was school?' is a great place to start.  That is something I am constantly working on and am always surprised at how many adults will give you a conversation shut down answer as well.  Being awkward or shy around people is a horrible thing to happen to a person and is unnecessary in most cases, so make them comfortable with people early and they will have such a happier life.

Paul gets home from his MUN trip tonight and I better get more than "good" or "fine" out of him.  Will respect the fact that he may be gassed and not chatty this evening, but expect some info soon.  The teacher that is leading the trip, and who took an early interest in Paul this school year to get him on the MUN team posted a bunch of photos...sharing a couple.  First of all...talking with his hands.  Nice to see him demonstrating his Italian genes.

The Taipei American School Model UN a slacker from the Valley, very hard not to make a Geek alert crack

Pre/post something or other

And a candid moment

Not a lot of postings on her lately, mainly cause things are pretty quiet in these parts.  I was asked to write an article about Taiwan baseball for the local English language community center and will share that when its done.  Also spending some time planning our summer break.  We hit the road June 8th, spend 4 days in Seoul before going to California and Seattle till August 8th.  If you have any hot tips on things to see/stuff to eat in Korea, please pass them along soonest.  And if you live in or are in California or Washington this summer, reach out soon so we can book some time to play.

1 comment:

  1. so, how was the trip?! Did they do any sight seeing?
