Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1st, 2016

Real short looking for your advice this week.

Joke of the week...What turns on a ghost?  Boooooobs.

Decent sized typhoon blew through town this week.  Kids got a couple days off from school, but in true Asian kid fashion, they were grousing about their schedules being thrown off/getting behind.  The day of the storm, read it was supposed to hit after lunch so made a long overdue ill advised yet successful AM run to Costco.   A good day to go as it was nice and quiet, as long as a tree didn't fall on your car.  Cleared off my list plus found this.
I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but TW has rigid import restrictions on pork, especially from the States as we pump them full of hormones, and the local made kind all adds some kind of sugar or sweetness to their recipe, which really doesn't appeal (gag me).  This new offering  is made from Danish pork bellies (apparently, Danish pork is no problem) is thick cut and hickory smoked (aaaarrrrgh).  As my eyes were transfixed on the display, I said out loud to know one that this "is a game changer", 

Other than that, fairly uneventful typhoon.  Some powerful images of wind and water (about 2 feet of rain fell in the neighborhood in about 12 hours), but by far the most viral was this

Speaking of viral, This one is blowing up around these parts.  if you haven't seen this stupid thing, you have now.

Across the street at the Sports College, they are having a wheelchair tennis tournament this weekend.  Watched them for a while and this isn't the right word, but was jealous in a way as I loved playing tennis but the pounding would kill my knees.  Would it be wrong/unethical for me to take up wheelchair tennis  as a sport even though I can walk?  I figure it would be a great upper body workout and scratch that tennis itch.  Am serious and want to know what you think.

Speaking of which...have an acquaintance on FB whose posts I like in general, but regularly discusses his workouts.  Here is a post from this week...

"I saw a wheelchair-bound man playing badminton with his daughter when I was out on my hour run this afternoon. That man is the epitome of determination and fatherly love. I was very moved by what I saw--my hat goes off to him! "

My head explodes at this shit.  What do I do?  The easy thing is to "unfollow" but I like the guy and seeing his stuff.  I want to help this obvious and repeated call for help/attention/validation whatever but have no idea how to do it.  ConsideredAgain, welcome your input.

Was gonna go on a rant about an old roach filled refrigerator we once bought and how it reminds me of the current election cycle, but am so disgusted by a certain section of the voting public and know it would be a waste of time here as no one that reads this is that awful.  So will pass on that, wish you all a happy weekend and share what is billed on YouTube as the Cutest Video Ever.

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