Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8th, 2016

Just watched the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix and don't think I could hate anyone more than "journalist" Nick Pisa.  Skin crawling.  And the Italian prosecutor has spent too much time watching crime shows where the cop solves all cases with some preternatural ability to divine the truth from his own feelings. 

China has been awfully dickish lately.  Popping up in my news feed at the same moment the other day was an article on how Singapore will 'pay the price' for their actions on the South China Sea dispute and another about  how the US will 'pay the price' for introducing defensive THAAD missiles in S. Korea.  First of all, lazy metaphors by Chinese comrade mouthpieces and second, once again shows these turds are only about getting their grubby hands on the money.  Say what you will about the US, and I give them/us no quarter on their sins throughout the world as there are many to atone for, but our alliances are multilayered and can withstand disagreements.  The Chinese "invest" in the worlds backwaters and when they become unprofitable, they are done.  Ask the Venezuelans , and as a warning to you Pakistan or all the countries in Africa where they are quietly sucking your resources dry, keep one eye open. They don't respect anyone they feel is below them culturally, which is almost everyone.  Doesn't feel as if  they don't look down on the Americans (you know, we saved their asses in WWII) but they appear confused by all the different colors of people we have.  I do know that they totally shit their pants when Japan rattle their sabres (for good reason).  They have this notion that by barring Taiwan from participating in UN conventions on airline safety and climate research, that it'll keep them from attaining independence.  Or something.  Everyone has to cow tow to them cause they have the cash these days, but their time will come.  Being the bully cause you have money and not having any friends in the world (even North Korea can't stand them) will come back to bite you.  Hope I'm around long enough to see it.

Here is a note to all the Boomers or Gen X types out there that whine about "the Millenials"...shut up.  Your dumb ass generation was no better and you sound like the old person that criticized you at the time.  Stop it.

Not sure why, maybe  it has to do with he fact that as the primary caregiver these days having to help Babydoll navigate puberty, but Betty sent me a link about cannabis tampons.  Cure the cramps and pains of the menstrual cycle?  Can I get a menstrual cycle if I get a sex change and if so, as I am 51 will I have already gone through man-o-pause? 

The movie Sully opened here the other day and while I didn't read it, saw a review with the headline "Don't Travel with Tom Hanks".  Instantly knew what was in the article...Castaway, Captain Phillips, The Terminal, Apollo 13, DaVinci Code, etc.  Funny.

Was talking to some folks at school  about Taiwan and how the birth rate is low due mainly to low/stagnant wages, high rents causing many to live with their parents longer, etc.  It never occurred to me, but 90% of the students at the kids school go to the States for university and I just assumed they all stayed there, but learned that a lot of them come back to live in Taiwan.  Was told by the schools educators that the overwhelming majority of those that do return to Taiwan end up marrying other TAS alums as they have little in common with their peers that have never lived or studied overseas.  I suppose that makes sense.  No tag line or quip for this, just makes me wonder how this experience is gonna affect my brats down the road.  I always just assumed  that they are going to have a depth of experiences that will make them awesome citizens of the world, but have just a little bit of fear that they may miss a sense of place that will prevent them from ever being...I dunno...grounded?  Weird.

Finally for today, I am a lousy salesperson but if I feel strongly about a product, will pitch it constantly and forcefully.  Am obviously in the bag for Costco, but knowing it as intimately as I do, am a huge proponent of everything about them.  That is why this article about Costco's rotisserie chicken hit me hard.  Sure, the info is from celebrity medical hack Dr. Oz, but MSG to make the bird more flavorful?  Explains why I am thirsty after a round of homemade chicken quesadillas (the rotisserie chickens in Taiwan come with the head still on...grotey to the max).  I know all the stores do stuff like this, but say it ain't so Costco...say it ain't so.

1 comment:

  1. how do you think your wife grew up?? would you call me NOT grounded? I see myself as a citizen of the world and hope my children will too...
