Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20th, 2017

Was gonna dive into the NFL today.  The future of it, the anthem controversy and why the younger talking heads I listen to bemoaning the state of the game are dopes, but it is all about baseball these days.   My beloved Dodgers are going to the WORLD SERIES.   Growing up, would listen to as many games as possible, mainly on the radio cause they weren't always on TV back then.  Ross Porter, Jerry Doggett and Vin Scully would share the play calling duties, and before the first pitch, they would play "It's A Beautiful Day For A Ball Game".

Such a great ditty.  Been a long time since the Blue Crew were this good and find myself falling into weird and familiar superstitions.  Wearing hats at different times, standing in different places, the usual.  Added listening to that track pre-game  this week and think that everyone should listen to it every morning to get the day started off on a positive note.  After every Dodger home win at the Ravine, they play Randy Neuman's 'I Love LA'.  The song is great and is magical when they play it for the happy home crowd, but it's best in the montage from The Naked Gun.

It isn't easy having a take that hasn't been discussed in detail on the internet, but think I have one for you.  Have discussed the homeless dog population here and how they are not only smart, but seem well fed.  Homeless dogs in other countries always look emaciated and you're scared of them cause you think they'd be desperate to get something to eat.  Had wondered how the local mutts could be so fit cause I don't see the people feeding them and they are really careful about leaving food out in the garbage.  Then I saw it...the other day a pooch was walking near me when a giant cockroach walked between us.  The roaches are big, but not that fast and the dog casually licked it up, gave a couple of satisfied chews and swallowed it down.  There is no shortage of high protein snacks for them to enjoy.  Mystery solved.

Need to cut this weeks entry short cause this weekend has two of the bigger local events that I am engaged with on Friday night/Saturday with the Community Center Auction tonight, and the school Food Fair tomorrow (have 800 hotdogs to grill and sell in 5 hours)  Will share if there is any funny stuff from them, but before I sign off, have one more thing.

It should go without saying, and I don't say it nearly enough, but I love my kids.  Sometimes I don't like them, but they are both pretty nice humans at this point.  The Boy gets mentioned in this space a lot, but don't put too much Babydoll stuff in here as she is uncomfortable with it.   Boy-o may be uncomfortable with it too, and while he gets embarrassed by my "little comments" from time to time, he doesn't really give a shit.  Makes sense that Babydoll does as she is a teenage girl and they are far more likely to be disturbed when personal things are expressed in public and I have to respect her privacy.

Momma's boy/daddy's girl are not clichés for no reason and I fall into that designation as much as anyone.  With the Boy off to college and with Betty on multiple work trips, have been getting a lot of Babydoll time.  I like her trajectory as of late.  Good friends, decent attitude towards her folks and trying hard at school.  Seeing her relish in being successful in her classes and gaining confidence over things she used to be intimidated by are heart warming.

In my most introspective of moments, when the ravages of time, sports injuries, affinity for certain vices are making me feel vulnerable, when I can feel every joint ache, have problem climbing a flight of stairs or can't remember that it was Van Morrison who wrote Moondance, and even though I don't believe in God, I have the right to pray.  When I do, here is what I pray be alive and able to make it on the dance floor to dance with my daughter one time on her wedding day.  And at that wedding, when I give the toast, I want it to go exactly like this

Holy shit.  Pete Schweaty used to be my favorite SNL skit, but that one just blew right past it.  If you are uncomfortable clicking on these links or it doesn't work in your country, search YouTube for Fred Armisen/SNL/Wedding day band.  It is impeccably written with even the names of the wedding couple being an homage to punk icons.  And the lyrics are just right.

Crisis of Conformity
Lyrics for “Fist Fight” by Fred Armisen
When Ronald Reagan comes around
He brings the fascists to your town
You think it’s cool to be a jock
But we all get beat up by cops
It’s a
Fist fight fist fight
Fist fight in the parking lot
Fist fight fist fight
Fist fight in the parking lot
(Spoken, Fred)
I guess my mind’s all messed up
But isn’t that a result of going to your schools being a part of your system following your orders
I guess you want me to put on a suit and tie and eat my happy meal
(Dave-his mic dropped out for a few lines, then Ashton gave him his )
I guess you want me to have 2.5 children and a white picket fence I have a better idea. Why don’t I kick in your windows with my boots
You hear that Alexander Haig? You getting all that Ed Meese?
It’s time for a
Fist fight fist fight
Fist fight in the parking lot
Fist fight fist fight
Fist fight in the parking lot

And even though this was a long way to go to share a gag, I meant what I said.

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