Friday, October 6, 2017

October 7th, 2017

Have been on the invite list for a couple years now for a group called the Curry Council.  They get together on a Friday once a month for dinner and beers at rotating group Indian restaurants around town.  Had always passed on going cause I was afraid they would be another group of pompous ex-pat dudes that lament how SE Asia has changed over the last 20 years with the old "Thailand used to be so much more fun (re: easy to get young hookers) in the old days".  As this is Betty's high travel season, the Boy is off gallivanting around the east coast, Babydoll typically goes out with friends on Friday after school, I've lost some of my best buddies to the annual ex-pat exodus and that I really dig Indian food, thought I should give them a try.  While there were a couple of the aforementioned dickheads, most of the fellas seemed decent and think I'll give them another couple of tries.  One of the dicky-er heads was an Australian guy.  Let me share a little secret about Aussies...while the common image of them is the self depreciating lovable drunk, there is a deep vein of really angry inferiority hatred of (fill in the blank) that is reminiscent of the 60 million strong segment of the US population.  That they are funny about it, kind of like Bostonians, they almost manage to pull it off.  

One topic that was raised at Curry Council night was about a nasty traffic accident that occurred on the treacherous mountain road near our place that I had not heard, probably cause we were in the States at the time.  Seems that a cement truck lost its brakes going down the mountain and piled into a line of cars stopped at a traffic light and there was video of it on YouTube.  There were several videos and came across this one that not only shows that crash, but some of the more messed up ones from the Taiwan traffic archives.  Warning, their is some really graphic images in there, but if you dare, is totally worth 5 minutes of your time and will help you understand the idiocy we experience on the roads here daily.

Another Taiwan thing that drifted into my net this week.  The iconic Taipei 101 building, due to its massive weight, is thought to have reopened an ancient earthquake fault, which has caused the severity and frequency of tremors in the "Basin" to rise 300%.  Terrifyingly cool.

And the race is on to figure out what to do with the old airport.  The original one that served Taipei, and is still in use to a degree, is in the heart of the city.  Makes for a convenient in/out of town, but with the main international airport (30 minute drive from Taipei) expanding by 1/3,  and it just being linked to downtown via high speed rail, they are ready to turn the massive acreage of the old Songshan airport back to the city.  Would be easy to sell it off for billions, but some want to turn it into a Taipei version of Central Park.  I'm rooting for Central Park.

Comments.  I get them on occasion.  Not as many as I'd like cause it'd be fun to have this be more of a dialogue/duologue, rather than the usual soliloquy/diatribe, but what are you gonna do.  This morning, woke up to comments from the last five posts and the text was all in Arabic.

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف   

Ooooh, I pissed off ISIS.  I translated them and they read, "An insect control company in Dammam"  Think either I or an exterminator in Saudi Arabia, which still could be ISIS controlled, got hacked.  Still, keep those comments coming in whatever language you choose.

Last time, shared an article about American University being thought of as the second most altruistic college in the States, which gave some of us alums some pride.  Stupid.  This week saw ol' AU back in the news as someone hung 10 Confederate flag signs with cotton stalks stapled to them around campus. The signs included the phrase "Huzzah for Dixie.  Fab...stay classy AU.

While I'm on that topic, bought a pair of shorts from the bookstore last summer.   They're a brand I like and know my size, so didn't really examine them too closely while purchasing.

 Upon getting home and strapping them on, noticed something odd.  If you look closer...the drawstring isn't in the front but pops out in the back.
I know this is a quality control issue at the Champion plant (in Jordan of all places), but you know that when they noticed it prior to sending it to the silk screener, they said, "eff it, let's put it in the AU pile...those dopes won't notice it."  Guilty as charged.

The Las Vegas thing happened.  My stateside friends likely woke up to it, but for us, it was around 7pm when the first reports started coming across.  First two dead, then the tally kept rising.   I couldn't stop watching till I found out the identity of the shooter.  Wonder if my initial reaction is unique or if it shared by all people similar to my race and political bent.  As I saw the first images, but before they found the dude (always a dude), I prayed that the shooter was a white guy.  Once they said he was, waited with baited breath that he wasn't one of a couple of people that I know that have an arsenal and are down with revolution against something.

In body image news this week...Apple Cider Vinegar.  Although not a fan of fad diets, lost a ton of weight many years ago when I went on one, South Beach I think, but ended up putting the pounds back on plus.  Whenever someone starts in on their 'carbs/gluten/pop tarts' are evil mantra, or bores me with tales of how many steps their fitbit tells them they took today, I just want to shake them.  We all know that eating well most of the time and getting some exercise daily is the only sure fire way of keeping weight down.  There are outliers that are just fat, or couldn't get fat if they ate a whole pie for breakfast everyday, but for the rest of us, keep it simple and be diligent cause there are no easy shortcuts that work.  And enjoy should be a pleasure and if you are constantly denying yourself, hate eating, what are you on this planet for.

That said, always keep my ears and mind open to new things and read an article by someone that drank a shot of apple cider vinegar every day and they found it really helpful.  Dug in a bit and apparently am the last person to hear about it.  Didn't even know the stuff existed and even Babydoll said that it is 'so good for you'.  Most of the reports give it two thumbs up...helps with digestion, cleaning out the pipes, natural appetite suppressor.  Less certain are that it helps with the skin and other organs and aids in weight loss.  The downside is it can mess you up if you take too much of it and that it can mess up tooth enamel. Thought giving it a month try couldn't hurt and started on the 1st.  Will give you a final report in November, but after a week can tell you that it doesn't taste good but not terribly awful. When I drink it, makes me think of sitting in the kitchen as a young boy dying Easter eggs.  And not that they were a problem before, but my stools are absolutely softer and in the BM game, soft and solid are a winning combination.

Tom Petty...seems like am doing a recollection of an artist I grew up with every other week after their passing.  I don't own a single one of his songs digitally and his stuff is so ubiquitous that never felt the need.   I remember exactly where I was when I first heard him.  It was in the backseat of my buddy Jim Youngson dad's car on the way home from somewhere and he played his first album on the 8-track.  Kicked 12 year-old me right in the ass.    Saw him at least twice that I can remember...once as a 16 year-old at the Irvine Amphitheatre in the early days when we could drive ourselves.  The other time was on July 4th, 1986 in Buffalo, NY where he backed Bob Dylan, who opened for the Grateful Dead that day.  Flew there on People's Express.  Quite the cast of characters were out for that one.  His video for You Got Lucky was a staple on early MTV, which we watched constantly for a couple of years at one point.

But by far the song of his that I love the most, can listen to on a loop and is one of the best driving songs ever is Runnin' Down A Dream.  Top 5 guitar riff ever and makes the hair on my neck stand up every damn time.

Rest in Peace Tom.

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