Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 31st, 2019

Hey there,


As this is our 7th summer returning to the States, we have come to expect to see changes in society/culture from year to year.  Here is the list compiled so far.

1) Frayed nerves.  Talked about this one last time.  I don't want you to stop being pissed, but let's focus.
2) Blue Light apps.  Another one from last time.  This change isn't everywhere, but predict it will be.
3) Plastic bottle use shaming.  Heard people getting called out for drinking from disposable plastic bottles in many forms.  Comments on videos where people drank from them, sideways glances, etc.  Can't argue with reducing plastics especially with all the science showing whale bellies full of them.  Good on ya.
4) Credit card tapping.  A few years ago, we were pitied when we tried to give our card to the cashier and were shown by the frustrated attendant  that we had to now insert the card into the reader.  This year, it was all about tapping on the screen rather than inserting.  I'm all for making the interactions more efficient, but let's leave the attitude behind, OK cashier?  By the way, your a cashier and I am not demeaning to the life choices you made that made you end up as a cashier.
5) Related, "How's your day going?".  Was there some edict that all store personnel were instructed to say this at the start of every interaction?  You really don't want to know
6) Fanny packs.  They're back.  And they are designer ones too.
7) Camel toe.  Sorta related to #6 if you're a Brit.  Saw a lot of them all over and you'd think that would be a good thing, but never found it sexy and looks damn uncomfortable.  I think an age limit on these should be enacted too
8) Pork belly.  I don't remember ever seeing it on a menu before, but we saw it on them for all sorts of cuisines early and often.  Isn't pork belly just really thick bacon?
9) Armed security guards with heavy body armor.  Related to #1 above likely a contributing cause of it.  With all the nutty gun guys running around, guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but it is jarring nonetheless.  When the solution from some influential quarters to the shooting issues is to man every floor of every mall and school with armed security, my question is how can I invest in companies that supply this growth industry?  Makes me fucking sick and angry.  If it does to you too, don't watch this piece of shit from Fox advocate for just that.

10) Bubble/Boba tea.  Hooray for Taiwan.  Their concoction and passion has conquered America.  Babydoll is hooked and was on the hunt for it in every town we went.  In our college tour, if the town didn't have good boba, it was immediately removed from consideration.

Pretty quiet around here.  Costco opening in China was big news at our house and the Internet.  Know you saw it as the video and commentary was everywhere and lots of folks shared it with me.  I have no insider info other than to tell you the scenes of people tearing apart raw meat were not from Costco that day and CNN got hoodwinked with that part of the footage. Everything else was as horrible as it looked however.

Saw some music on Thursday at the club we like...dudes name is Jordan Rakei and he plays smooth electro-jazz.

I don't take great pix cause the camera on my phone is crap, don't take a ton and my heands aren't very steady, but you can tell that we are close up.  Going to shows here is great cause they are typically poorly attended and the locals don't like to get to crowded up the front.  Works great for us and just wish there was more to see.  Knew this show wasn't my cuppa tea going in, but it was decent  and if you like your tunes so smooth as to not have any edge, you might like it.  That sounds like a put down, and it kinda is, but people like that and his version of it is good.  He is a younger guy and at one point in the show while introducing the next song, he says, "We're going to take you all the way back to 2014 for this one."  All the way back?  That was a couple weeks ago, no?  I stick up for the millennials a ton, but their constant dismissal of anything that happened before they were born drives me fucking crazy.  The Nazi scourge?  Pishaw...I wasn't around then.

Finally for today, my mom turns 93.  Happy Birthday.

Talk soon.

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