Thursday, September 19, 2019

September 20th, 2019


Programming note.  There will likely be no post next week as yours truly is making his annual rock pilgrimage.  This one is to California to see my beloved Yo La Tengo for 5 shows in 6 days (LA, Big Sur!, 3 nights in SF).  You know where my mood lies and that next time will be another ode to them.

A story popped up in my feed today about figs.  I like figs so clicked on it..  How figs are fertilized and that they are not fruit, but flowers, this was a really fascinating account about them.  Expand your mind and prepare for it to be blown

One note from the previous summer recap from SF that I forgot last time was regarding my sisters mutt.  She got a new one and he celebrated his 2nd b-day while we were there.  He's a chocolate lab named Buck and we were told that he has an appetite for socks.  We were warned not to leave them lying about and one afternoon saw a pair of my nephew's on the ground.  Pointed it out to him and he said that the dog doesn't eat his anymore.  Buck slept with Babydoll during our stay and one morning she tells me how pissed she was cause the dog woke her up at 5am (she typically slept till at least 10a) puking out some socks.  Of course I asked whose socks they were and she didn't know cause they were covered in bile and she immediately threw them into the garbage outside.  Being a bit self conscious in killing the previous dog, I fished them out of the trash and they were the nephew's.

Skipping over Chicago for now as I haven't downloaded photos from Betty's phone.  After ORD, we spent the last couple of weeks in Seattle where the weather was simply perfect.  Warm during the days, a couple of sprinkly/misty mornings, and just perfect at night.  Doesn't do me any good now sitting here with crevices caked in rash and hydro cortisone, but a good memory.

Seattle is when we get our annual check-ups.  Babydoll doesn't have to go but her school requires a signed medical update.  No news from her other than she dropped 13 pounds from last year.  She has developed a regular workout regimen and dances all the time, so getting results like that help keep up the motivation.

Betty had her first colonoscopy.  Tried to tell her but she underestimated the impact of the pre-procedure colon cleanse.  My gag that you probably heard this sumemr was that this was the first time in her life that she wasn't full of shit.  They have these things down as she was in and out in exactly one hour.  Betty was definitely out of it when the doctor came in to tell her of the results, which were glowing.  Doc said she had an immaculately clean and smooth colon and I asked if she was a perfect asshole.  Took her back to the hotel for a nap after and had to walk her on my arm down the hallway.  The cleaning lady's cart was blocking most of the hallway and as we tried to sneak by, I walked her face first into a wall.  She didn't remember and I did feel bad about that, but also laughed a bit too.

As for my doctor visit...another reminder that getting old sucks.  Lost another 1/4 inch of height for instance.  My doctor said she noticed me walking more hunched over.  My mother is really bent over all the time now and her mother/my grandmother was so bent as to be at a complete right angle.  Try to tell myself to stand up straight, but know this is my destiny.  I had a pain between my toes that I thought might be an ingrown toenail, but turns out it was a corn.  That's an old person thing, yes?  She did not do the typical prostate finger up the butt as she said that it can be detected through the blood draw, so if your doctor is still doing that to you, they are just sexually assulting you at this point.  .  All of the results from that blood work gave results that were all solidly in the preferred range.  With the shit I put into my body, how is that possible?

Not a lot of eventful happenings this year to share, but here are some.  One night, we went with another couple to the new 13 Coins location in Pioneer Square.  It compared favorably to its longtime previous location with regards to the food.  I liked the old school décor of the old one better, but the new one is built to handle massive pre/post game crowds from the stadiums next door in a good way.  We went on a weekend with no events happening, and if you've ever been to Pioneer Square on a day like that, it is eerily quiet and kinda spooky.  We pull up (I'm driving) and there is a spot right in front.  I stop and prepare to parallel park, and the guy behind me honks and is flailing his arms wildly.  There is not another car in sight and at least two car widths for him to go around, but this guy is gonna make it like I am personally attacking him.  He pulls along side and continues his gesticulation (his car is a piece of shit Carolla and looks like all his worldly possessions are in it), so I give him the finger.  Then he really looses his mind.  Rolls his window down and tells me where I can go, stuff about my mom, etc.  I know that in my car is a huge dude, who happens to be Irish and has had a few pops already, so am not worried about this guy.  Irish guy was the voice of reason however cause Airport Betty and Irish guy's badass wife are opening the car doors to get out and pummel this guy.  He sees that and drives off.  Good times.

This was near the end of a crazy driving day.  They are always crazy days in Seattle having to drive the kids/Betty around and meeting folks for dinner every night, but this one was insane.  Here is the route for the day...Issaquah, North Bend, Ballard, Downtown, Issaquah, Downtown, Woodinville, Ballard, Pioneer Square, Ballard, Queen Anne, Issaquah.  I stated it often but the locals weren't buying it...I thought Seattle traffic was better this year.  The Viaduct/Tunnel opened and the revisions to the carpool lanes have made going across the water less congested (in my opinion).  There was only one afternoon that we got nailed in a jam, but that was the same night as a pre-season Seahawk game and we knowingly went into the teeth of it.  Just sayin'.

Went to the annual Mariner game with the fellas (6 of us go to a game and get drunk in the LF bleachers).  Many years, there is some event or altercation to relate, like last year when I got kicked in the head by a fellow Mainer fan, but this year was unremarkable.  The only thing to say is that we have a bet and the winner drinks for free.  I haven't drank a beer in several years and the other boys would always give me crap for ordering wine,  This year, they all drank wine.  Getting old fellas...haw haw.  The Boy and his buddy came with us to the game but didn't sit with us.  They caught a foul ball the little shits.  Apparently, one stopped it and the other caught it on the rebound.  Took me 48 years to get one and the little Prince got his at 20.

Saw a really great band at the Crocodile.  I looked long and hard for something to see while in town and landed on a Turkish act called Atlin Gun.  They play70's Turkish disco and were super fun.  They must be big in that community cause every hairy mustachioed Turk in the PNW was there and they all sang along to the songs.  Riveting band...the lead guitar player also played a raucous stringed instrument called a Suz, and the female lead singer wore the tightest of jeans and a vintage tube top that came loose when she dove into the crowd.  If you ever need a band recommendation, lemme know.

Overheard this while in town.  "It's not my fault Pangea split into 5 pieces".

Finally, Babydoll decided to get her ears pierced.  Have never talked about it before and I wasn't in any hurry cause I know that'll mean she has something new she wants to buy,  but Grandma opened up her jewelry case to her and she picked out a pair so needed to get them done.  My experience with the process is nill and only remember my sister getting hers done at Bullocks department store.  A lot of folks said there was some kiosk in Northgate mall but also heard as many stories about infections.  Luckily, Seattle doesn't have a shortage of places to get your body pierced (tattoed and branded).  We took her to Pierced Heart and they had all the bolts and nipple clamps you could want.  They did a nice job, and liked the fact that I had to sign off on the procedure with her being under 18.

Okey dokey...see you in a couple weeks, but before we go, three thoughts on the NFL season so far.

- The flea flicker always works.

- Steve Young has hit the age where his dyed hair looks out of place (I.e. completely ridiculous).

- They talk about the Patriots Way, which I now understand as the Patriots (looking the other) Way.  Seeing Tom Brady hugging rapist Antonio Brown made me sick to my stomach.

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