Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4th, 2020


Not much goin' on new in these parts.  The girls work all day and I have baseball a couple/three times a week.  Love doing that but dread it at the same time cause it is so hot.  Last Saturday, was out in the heat for games/practice from 8a to 5:30p and it was equally joyous and heat stroke inducing.  Took three days to feel somewhat normal.

A friend of mine in Florida posted about it being "hot as balls" and she did a search for exactly what temperature that was.

About 97 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike, say, "hot as hell" or "scorching hot," this expression is actually fairly precise, since the temperature of one's balls is carefully regulated by the scrotum to maintain a high sperm count.

I love that one's ball temperature is 'carefully regulated'.  Hot as balls is not a term I have ever used and would give anything for it to be 97 degrees.  We hit 110 at some point every day, so what is that?  The only positive I have is that we're in July now so that means I have survived a month of this weather rash free.  Am not dancing a jig cause we still have July, August and September to suffer, but will take the win.

I dream like most people and would consider mine fairly ordinary, but from time to time there will be one that is bizarre to the point of concern.  I had one that popped in my subconscious two nights in a row last week that I need to articulate in hopes of getting it out of my head.  Details are hard to remember, but the theme was watching a Scottish game called 'Bad Egg Roll'.  In this game, only for men, the competitors get expired eggs and have to push them to the finish line using their dicks that protrude from their kilts.  That's pretty much it.  I will go to sleep watching nature shows and they will become part of my dreams, but I know this was not shown on Nat Geo.  

Since we're stuck here, I have been paying closer attention to local news and this week found a gem of a story about the birth in Hsinchu city of their 450,000th resident.  It doesn't say why 450k is so auspicious, but that they are going to gift the family that has the baby a new car and to feed the little boy or girl free meatballs until their 45th birthday.  I love a good meatball and Hsinchu is supposed to be famous for them and while I don't expect much, have put a visit there on the top of my Taiwan things to do list.  

Not sure what happened to this site but cannot get certain videos to link.  A friend shared a YouTube video of a CNN story on Taiwan and covid that I cannot upload but will link it here.  You really got to check this out as it is amazing on so many levels.  The interview is with Audrey Tang who is Taiwan's Digital Minister.  Audrey happens to be the country's first transgender cabinet minister.  The interview outlines all the stuff the country did to crush the virus and the CNN reporter does not hide how amazed she is by what she is hearing.  A very well crafted interview and supremely knowledgeable interviewee.  You must stick around to the very end to see how Audrey says goodbye.

One of the themes in it is how Taiwan erected a digital fence to protect it from the virus.  While this is obviously super effective here, no way could the States pull it off with all the fears about erosion of privacy and people's "rights".  Seriously, we all (and by we all I mean every foreigner here) watch the shit show America is putting on with regards to wearing fucking masks and shake our heads in wonder at how effin' stupid people can be, starting from the top.  An example of what a surveillance state can do was on display last week when police discovered a dismembered body floating in a river near Kaohsiung.  Within 40 hours using surveillance cameras that are everywhere, they cracked the case and arrested they guy that did it.  They had him so nailed that he confessed immediately.  Pretty amazing story.  Understand that this is George Orwell 1984 level shit and that use of it could turn nefarious easily, but just wanted to toss it out for your consideration,

Have a couple more things but am gonna end it here as I am experimenting with the Pomodoro Technique.  Read about it somewhere recently and the theory is you are most productive in 25 minute bursts.  Do 25 and then take a 5 minute break,  At the very least, it sounds delicious,

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