Mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to eliminate the word 'actually' from my vocabulary. I know a lady that uses it in almost every sentence and when she says it, I immediately discount her point. For instance, "actually, that place is really good." means the place sucks.
I am now trying to eliminate another word from my speech..."very". Was listening to Marc Maron interview the famous director Williem Friedkin (The French Connection/The Exorcist), and he made the case that it had no real meaning or value and was used by lazy speakers/writers to describe things instead of using other words. Made me think about it and am in agreement.
Two of my biggest bitches about Taiwan are the total assholes on the road, and the brutal weather. I doubt that I will ever be able get to the point where those two things to not bug me to the point of total frustration/exhaustion/aggravation. I do have to give credit where it is due and today, I present to you an example of the social honesty that I love about this place. At the local fresh market near our place is a stand where I buy a veggie drink. It's called the healthy 5 Vegetable and they grind up the good stuff, add a touch of sweet juice to it and off I go. They do it in the blender instead of the juicer for me to keep the fiber and if I return the bottle, I get NT$10 (about 35 cents) off my next drink. They speak no English but seem like nice people and always wave and say hello even if I'm not buying that day. I went to refill my jug last week after being on vacation so had not been there for at least 10 days. As I'm paying, the boss lady tells the clerk to hold on, she pulls out the money tray to grab a piece of paper bound up with rubber bands. She starts in with some speil in Mandarin and gives me back NT$10 and I have to assume that I overpaid with my returnable bottle the last time. That they would take the time and effort to do that and remember to give me back 35 cents is just precious and it is these little signs of honesty that not only restore a faith in society, but make the decision to hang out here for God only knows how much longer more palatable.
Was talking to our tax people the other day and asked about something another ex-pat told us, and that is us getting an APRC card. Currently, we are allowed to stay in Taiwan under an ARC (Alien Resident Card) as Betty has employment. The second she doesn't have that job, we're gone. However, after being here for 5 years, we can apply for the APRC (Alien Permanent Resident Card) which would mean that working or not, we could stay here forever. Of course we will look into that and see if we can keep it while still living in the States, and if it also comes along with permanent access to their National Health Insurance, as it is always nice to have a back-up plan. I cannot envision ever wanting to live here forever, but I am keeping close watch on this election cycle and shit is weird. I still cannot fathom the US electing the Drumph, but I absolutely never thought months ago that he would be this close to being the nominee. It cannot be that the majority of those voting for him are the nativistic racist types as there just aren't enough of those. The GOP "Establishment" is freaking out and the theory that I've seen put forth that makes sense is that a lot of those voters are simply rejecting the Establishments principles in general. You hear all of them paying tribute to these to gay marriage, immigrants/planned parenthood are bad, guns guns guns, fealty to Grover Nordquist for lower taxes for the rich, etc. Excluding the above mentioned narrow minded idiots who have never been outside of their own kind, most of us have met a gay person who we cherish. Most of us know an immigrant (usually in our own ancestry) and can see their passion and understand that they are what made America the greatest country ever. Many of us have been to planned parenthood. Most of us hate guns and if we don't hate them, understand that having the most powerful ones everywhere all the time is utterly ridiculous. And most of us know that the rich get rich because of this country and that they should pay into it at levels that are at least equal to everyone else. So when they hear Ted Cruz and the like get up there and say that immigrants, planned parenthood, gay marriage is bad and that lower taxes for the rich and guns everywhere are good, and God made it that way...they're out. My Jesus is diametrically opposed to all of that. Before (or at least since Reagan) Republicans had no one that was on the side of lesser government without all this puritanical bullshit, but Drumph is that guy and is getting the crowd to hold their nose on the cock grabbing schtick and pull the lever for him. How can the Establishment not see that being on the wrong side of history is a losing proposition. Anyhoo, while folks are tripping out on the Trump thing, I am optimistic that this is the death knell for that Establishment and that they will get back to the party of working to reduce government by efficiency and not the one of bible thumping isolationism. I'd be totally in to reconsider my affiliation and think a majority of us would. If not, will keep my APRC card close by.
As a counterpoint, have been reading up on the newly elected President in Taiwan, who takes office in May, Tsai Ing-Wen, and she appears to be to good to be true. The below is from Upworthy, a site that you should put into your rotation. Enjoy and talk soon.
Taiwan just elected its first female president, and she's a total badass.
This is Tsai Ing-wen, the newly elected president of Taiwan.

Photo by Ashley Pon/Getty Images.
Next to Holly Holm, Tsai might be the most badass woman on the planet right now.
1. She's the first of her kind.
Out of nearly 200 countries.
2. No, seriously, she’s the first.
3. She is a completely self-made woman.
Unlike South Korea's current president, Park Guen Hye, whose father was president of the country from 1962 until his assassination in 1979, Tsai had no familial ties to any of Taiwan’s political parties before deciding to run for president. She had no man’s footsteps to follow in, which makes her ascension to the highest office all the more incredible.
Instead, she’s the daughter of an automobile repairman and the last of his four wives. Tsai was, in fact, discouraged from pursuing her political aspirations early and often throughout her childhood.
Instead, she’s the daughter of an automobile repairman and the last of his four wives. Tsai was, in fact, discouraged from pursuing her political aspirations early and often throughout her childhood.
4. She ain’t no slouch, either, though.
A brief list of Tsai's credentials:
- Master of laws recipient, Cornell University Law School
- Doctorate in law, London School of Economics
- Former professor, School of Law at Soochow University and the National Chengchi University
- Former chairperson, Fair Trade Commission
- Former consultant, Mainland Affairs Council and National Security Council
- Voted "Most Talkative" in high school
- Once hit a hole-in-one
- Likes pizza
5. Also, she cleaned up a corrupt political party.
As if Tsai wasn’t facing enough obstacles on her road to the presidency, she also happened to be aligned with the Democratic Progressive Party, which was entrenched in scandal.
Interestingly, Tsai became the trustworthy voice that the DPP needed in turbulent times, calling for the party to focus on its goal of defending Taiwan’s sovereignty as a nation while maintaining a peaceful relationship with mainland China. She was elected as the DPP’s chairperson in 2008 and vowed to rebuild the party’s confidence and defend social justice while continuing to push for Taiwan’s sovereignty.
Interestingly, Tsai became the trustworthy voice that the DPP needed in turbulent times, calling for the party to focus on its goal of defending Taiwan’s sovereignty as a nation while maintaining a peaceful relationship with mainland China. She was elected as the DPP’s chairperson in 2008 and vowed to rebuild the party’s confidence and defend social justice while continuing to push for Taiwan’s sovereignty.
6. She also bounced back from defeat.
In 2010, Tsai ran for mayor of New Taipei city in her native Taipei and was defeated by Eric Chu. Just two years later, Tsai became the first female presidential candidate, running against incumbent president Ma Ying-jeou.
How did Tsai react to her defeats, you ask? Oh, only by writing a memoir, creating a bilingual website devoted to Taiwan affairs, and founding the Thinking Taiwan Foundation — an organization aimed at “acting as a catalyst for social action through participation” — while patiently waiting until the day she could announce her candidacy four years later.
Again, for the sake of comparison, I went to the grocery store and the bank yesterday and needed a nap.
How did Tsai react to her defeats, you ask? Oh, only by writing a memoir, creating a bilingual website devoted to Taiwan affairs, and founding the Thinking Taiwan Foundation — an organization aimed at “acting as a catalyst for social action through participation” — while patiently waiting until the day she could announce her candidacy four years later.
Again, for the sake of comparison, I went to the grocery store and the bank yesterday and needed a nap.
7. She won the presidency by a landslide.
With 99% of Taiwan’s voters reporting, Tsai defeated Eric Chu — yes, the very same Eric Chu — in an absolute sweep, securing 56% of the vote to Chu’s 31% and nearly twice as many total votes (6,894,744 to 3,813,365, respectively) in the process. Not since Kelly Clarkson defeated Justin Guarini to win the first "American Idol" has the democratic world seen such a one-sided butt-kicking.
8. She’s a fierce negotiator.
At 59 years of age and with a reputation among her colleagues as naturally shy, Tsai isn’t exactly the most intimidating figure in politics at a first glance. She is, however, a force of nature at the negotiation table, having been compared to everyone from "The Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher to current German president Angela Merkel.
“Before you attack or criticize her, she will have an answer ready before you even fire a bullet,” said Lin Chong-pin, a retired strategic studies professor and Tsai's first deputy.
“Before you attack or criticize her, she will have an answer ready before you even fire a bullet,” said Lin Chong-pin, a retired strategic studies professor and Tsai's first deputy.
9. She’s an LGBTQ rights activist.
In addition to Tsai’s promises to restore Taiwan’s struggling economy, she’s also a staunch activist for marriage equality, regularly posting videos of same-sex marriages to her social media accounts. Before her election, Tsai took to social media to voice her support for the gay pride festivities happening at the time.
"In the face of love, everyone is equal. Let everyone have the freedom to love and to pursue their happiness. I am Tsai Ing-wen, and I support marriage equality," she said in a video posted on her Facebook page.
So not only is she attempting to broker a peace between her native sovereignty and China, but she’s also helping promote a greater global health through social policy as well? Bad. Ass
"In the face of love, everyone is equal. Let everyone have the freedom to love and to pursue their happiness. I am Tsai Ing-wen, and I support marriage equality," she said in a video posted on her Facebook page.
So not only is she attempting to broker a peace between her native sovereignty and China, but she’s also helping promote a greater global health through social policy as well? Bad. Ass
10. She’s a wine-drinking cat lady like the rest of us.
As if you needed another reason to like her.
While owning a cat is not intrinsically badass, Tsai’s badassness has long been established, so by the transitive property of mathematics, her two cats, Tsai Hsiang Hsiang and Ah Tsai, are therefore the most badass cats on the planet. According to The Guardian, Tsai "very much enjoys sitting down with a glass of red wine, reading a book, and spending quality time" with those very cats.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of Taylor Swift announcing her run for president of the Unites States in 2020.
While owning a cat is not intrinsically badass, Tsai’s badassness has long been established, so by the transitive property of mathematics, her two cats, Tsai Hsiang Hsiang and Ah Tsai, are therefore the most badass cats on the planet. According to The Guardian, Tsai "very much enjoys sitting down with a glass of red wine, reading a book, and spending quality time" with those very cats.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of Taylor Swift announcing her run for president of the Unites States in 2020.

GIF via Diet Coke.
So, to recap: Tsai Ing-wen is a trailblazing, self-made, tenacious-negotiating cat lady who promotes peace and supports everyone’s basic right to love freely.
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