Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013

If I was the manager of the Taipei branch of Hooters, I would look into providing a (short) skirt option for the waitresses.  Push-up bras do wonders for the hooters themselves, but the general lack of booty makes those short short Richard Simmons shorts look baggy on them.  We have had a hankering for greasy chicken wings and decided to visit the Taipei Hooters to scratch the itch.  The wings were definitely greasy, but gross overall and doubt we'll be going back with any frequency.  Betty was proud that the gals at Hooters posed no competition to her in the cleavage department.  The big concern was how much Carolyn was fascinated by the girls.  She likes her clothes tight fitting and seeing the the waitresses perform cheer leading numbers and a hula-hoop show while working looked appealing to her.  We have higher hopes for her career.

So we are right in the middle of the Chinese New Year celebration...today is the day most everyone goes back to work/school, but the holiday extends from the new moon last Saturday to the full moon this coming Sunday.  We are going to go the Pinxi Sky Lantern festival on the last day where hundreds of paper lanterns are released in unison.  Sounds kinda cool and you can see what it looks like here.  I couldn't talk Betty into it this year, but one of these New Year's, I am going to take Paul down south to the Tainan Fireworks Festival.  This thing is insane...you put on fire retardant capes and helmets, and walk in this street where they shoot off bottle rockets and firecrackers at the participants.  They set a record last year with a 13km long string of firecrackers.  Looks incredibly dangerous, is totally stupid to do, but damn if it doesn't look like awesome fun.  I'd like to do that, the Thai water festival and the Tomato Throwing Festival in Spain before I am too old and broken to participate.

I have given up arguing with the nutty Lunar calendar and am going to start embracing it.  As you are probably aware, Chinese New Year falls on a different day.  Wikipedia has a decent basic guide on how it works , but basically, the new year starts on the second new moon after the Winter Solstice.  So the ancients understood how the Sun worked in the seasons, but pinned the day to day activities to the phases of the moon.  As the moon does not go around the Earth in equal 365 day increments, it makes figuring out when to celebrate things as simple as your birthday an annual math problem.  For instance, Betty's aunt was born on Chinese New Year's day, so this year, her b-day was on February 10th, but next year, it is on January 31st.  Am going to figure out when my Chinese b-day is, but will have to calculate when September 4th, 1965 fell on that year's Chinese calendar, and then calculate where it falls on this years and then convert to the Gregorian.

I do know that I was born in the Year of the Snake, and had always read how great the Snakes were on the Chinese place mats in the States, but as this is the year of the Snake, am seeing that we are not just all beauty, smarts and efficiency  We are also deceptive, cheap and do not like constructive criticism.  Guilty as charged.  Not many people like the snakes so in these parts, they call this the Year of the Little Dragon. 

Finally for today....do they sell short pants for men without cargo pockets anymore?  Am rarely wearing long pants this winter as it has mostly been in the 70's during the day so far and the heat seems to be rising already (has been in the 80's last few days), and my supply of shorts was limited to start and are wearing out fast.  So I went on-line to buy some and cannot find many that don't come with cargo pockets.  Personal preference, but I think cargo shorts look stupid and have never understood why we need more than 4 pockets anyway.  Unless you're MacGuyver or a Navy Seal, how much does one need to carry in their pants anyway? 

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