Thursday, February 28, 2013

March 1, 2013

I find myself saying "why" a lot.  Really, it is more 'WTF?' than why, but you get the gist.  Am going to throw a few of them out there, and if you have an answer or thought on why they do these things, am all ears. 

First, when I'm walking around and see people exercising, I see a lot of them hitting themselves.  Not like Silas from The DaVinci Code, but more like a light thumping on their tummies or butts as they stretch or workout.  WTF?  Is this supposed to tone you up in some way?  It's mostly the old folks, so am sure that it must be good for digestion (as everything else odd they do or eat seems to be).  Took this snap of the park across the street on my way out the door this morning. It is far away, but these gals were dancing/smacking their butts to Jefferson Starships 'We Built This City'. 
Betty took both of my cameras with her on her safari trip this week, so had to take it with my iPhone.  Just turn your head (and cough).

Next up...feelers/jousting sticks on cars.  For example...
Am sure you can see that thing sticking up by the front headlight.  When I was growing up, my mom had a big ol' Cadillac.  Huge.  And just behind the rear right tire, there was a flexible aluminum stick, they called them feelers, that would help let you know when you were getting close to the curb when parking.  Haven't seen them since the 70's, so you have to be of a certain age to know what I'm talking about, but hope you get the idea.  The sticks you see in the car above are on about one in every 20 cars, and we do not know what they are for.  I've asked a couple people and they aren't sure.  Betty, who talks and acts like she knows everything about Chinese people, but I'm finding she might know less than I do, is convinced that they are mini-flag poles so people can show their national pride.  I may have believed her at first, but I have yet to see someone waving their pride in the wind so far, and these sticks are usually found on pieces of shit cars.  For example.
Even the 5-0 have them...really hard to see in this snap, but I was driving and in motion while shooting the photo (of a police car).  The thing looked like some kind of torture device from the Middle Ages and there is no way you could affix a flag to it anyway.
So WTF is up with these things?  My guess is that they are supposed to act like the feelers of old, but more to let the scooters know when they are getting too close to the car.  Kind of like a scooter kebab.  I like my theory and am throwing it out there for debate. 

The last one for today is the local proliferation of Baby In Car bumper stickers.  We have been bothered by them for months and you see them on tons of cars.  Almost as many as you see the scooter swords.  I took what you see below today (all with the iPhone camera unfortunately) in under an hour out in the street.  This is what I'm talking about.

They come in a hundred different varieties.

And this car even had two of them on it.
Have started to see them branch out into bigger kids.
And now this.
First, most of us remember the Baby on Board placards that were popular in the olden days of the 80's, and who can forget the B-Sharps episode of the Simpsons.  Must be some kind of language thing where "board" doesn't translate clearly into Chinese.  And I can understand that they are a bit behind the US on dopey cultural trends.  The feathered Flock of Seagulls hairstyle seems to be popular with the K-Pop crowd. 

Always felt bad for the pre-maturely balding Gull.

But my question to these motorists, just as it was back in the 80's, is what do you want me to do with this information?  Am I not supposed to crash into you?  Am I supposed to be impressed somehow by your sexual prowess or your ability to procreate?  I know from first hand experience that having the fruit of your loins in your crappy Mitsubishi is not preventing you from driving like a total douche bag.  So what's the message?  WTF?  What this town needs is a bumper sticker that says Narcissistic Butthole In Car. 


  1. As always, cousin Sharon comes to help....
    The reason why old ppl in the park are hitting themselves as they believe by doing so, they can hit hte acupoints and smooth out the meridian of their blood and energy flows better....less medical issues....(believe or not)

  2. and I was RIGHT about the scotter swords, they are for flags...patriotic people
