Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 11th, 2020

 Hey there,

Thought that for this week, I'd share some local news items that have backed up over the summer, but first, have a story that has been bugging me something fierce that I need to share.

At Babydolls school, when you come into high school as a Freshmen, they assign everyone a teacher to act as a Student Advisor.  This Advisor will follow you throughout high school so if they don't leave, you have them for 4 years.  This Advisor gets a handful of kids, like 6-8, and they meet every few weeks in a group to talk about stuff.  Not a grade counselor or college advisor, but a person that can take the kids emotional temperature to make sure all is well with them.  A great idea as it gives the kids one person that can get to know them in a way so they can tell if they are coming off the rails.  

The dude she has was also her math teacher one year and we meet with him at parent teacher conferences each year so have gotten to know him relatively well over the years.  He's always seemed quirky to me, and as he is an avid runner, I never really trusted him, but for the most part felt he was benign.  Had daddy/daughter dinner the other night and B-doll shared a story about how 'disappointed' she was in her Advisor.  Last week, when the election was done but not decided, they had a conversation about it.  Not clear if someone asked, or if he volunteered it, but the Advisor said that he didn't vote.  Well that sure is being a great role model for the kids at an American school. He goes on to add that if he did vote, it probably woulda been for 45.  Then he volunteered that he'd vote for him as he couldn't vote for Biden as he announced he was going to nominate a woman VP before he began his search in earnest.

First, fucking bullshit.  I never really considered this guys politics or moral compass, but that "reasoning" is code for every piece of shit white guy take that they are being usurped by everyone that isn't a piece of shit white guy.  I guarantee you this boob thinks he's an open minded guy too.  That he can overlook all of 45's heinousness, 230k and counting dead should be more than enough, and site Biden choosing to select one of the extremely high qualified women to be the first female VP in history as his reason to overlook all of it sickened Babydoll, and me by extension.  And that he felt cool enough with his take to tell this to a young woman of color?  I called him a boob, but that is way too nice cause I like boobs.  Am planning my strategy to take this garbage out. what has been happening around these parts?  .

A couple of weeks ago, Taiwan passed 200 days without a single case of C-19 being transmitted locally.  You can read about it here.  Still get cases coming in from overseas, but since everyone is quarantined upon arrival in a textbook demonstration of contact tracing, they don't get out to infect the rest of us.  Taiwan sits at 500 cases total and 7 deaths.  This news made the rounds internationally and I had several U.S. friends send it back to me asking how they/we did it.  Certainly no secret and have detailed it in this space a few times, but the most obvious thing that I could share was that the folks here wear the masks with fervor.  That the outgoing president decided early on to make mask wearing a political issue, one that Biden will find difficult to turn around since some are so willing to be in the cult that they cannot absorb common sense, that would be the place to start.

Another story about Taiwan (here is the local version of it) that made certain news sites and I had to answer was that Taiwan stood out as one of the few countries that "favored 45".  I was asked if/how that was possible and had to confirm that it was.  There is a certain element of the population here that thinks 45 is tough on China, and sees his selling of arms to Taiwan and that he sent an official here a couple months ago as evidence of some unwavering support of Taiwan.  That official was HHS Secretary Azar and was the highest ranking official to visit Taiwan since 1979, and that was a huge deal to the locals as it should have been as any international recognition here is treated like being bestowed some holy legitimacy.  As an example of that, check out this story from the paper today that shows Kamala sitting with her Taiwanese counterpart at a lunch on prosecuting drug offenders in 2015  as evidence she is pro-Taiwan.  Here is another where the local press is weighing in on a possible Biden defense secretary pick saying she is good cause she has stated that the US could sink the Chinese navy in 72 hours.  Oooof.

That Azar trip was ostensibly one for him to come here to learn strategies on how to deal with the Covid.  Obviously that was total BS as nothing was ever mentioned about the visit or what he learned since, and any person remotely fluent in geopolitics knows it was a stunt to piss off China, which it did of course.  The folks here are so desperate to be acknowledged that they will swallow any tripe that legitimizes them.  I know it was not mentioned in the States, and was quickly swept under the rug here, but in John Bolton's book (remember when that came out a couple of months ago that seems like years), there was a passage where he talks about how 45 feels about the Taiwan/China issue.  Here is the full story, but the relevant paragraph is:

Bolton wrote that Trump has blown off China's human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong and downplayed the U.S.'s commitments to Taiwan. In a quote released by NPR, Bolton claimed Trump seemed to think very little of Taiwan: "Although it came in several variations, one of Trump's favorite comparisons was to point to the tip of one of his Sharpie [marker's] and say, 'This is Taiwan,' then point to [his desk in the Oval Office] and say, 'This is China.'"

Anyone that is not oxygen deprived knows 45 wouldn't lift a fat stubby finger to defend Taiwan.  Poke China and sell some bullets?  No problemo.  I don't blame the locals for being suckered in, but they are still suckers nonetheless and react the same way suckers everywhere react when their suckitutde is pointed out..  I think that is the takeaway from this era but what has always been true...that there are gullible, easily impressionable, intellectually incurious people in every corner of the planet and amongst every creed, color and gender and they are being hyper-exploited by cell phones and social media.   Anyhoo, the Taiwanese falling for 45's seeming devotion to the island reminded me of Lisa Simpson when Springfield Elementary's teachers went on strike.

Before moving on from poking the Chinese bear, local Costco was name checked for this.

I don't fully understand this article, but I know from South Park that people equate Chinese dictator Xi Jingping with Winnie the Pooh and locals found this deflated look of a Winnie the Pooh costume to be hilarious cause as the photographer wrote,

"Sad Winnie... I'll take you home. For NT$297, I can buy you and take you back to wear as pajamas."

It goes onto say that Xi is "a tubby little cubby ass stuffed with fluff".  Humor rarely translates well.

What always translates perfectly is a team mascot..  

The fish head mascot of a semi-pro baseball team, Sababoy was designed to promote tourism in the city of Tainan.  I share this as a demonstration as to why we don't vaction much around the island.  Visit Tainan...come for the baseball, stay for the fish heads.  Eat them up, Yum!

Last week was the annual gay pride parade in town.  Wasn't able to go this year, but it is a pretty big deal.  Always the largest in Asia and with C-19, at 135,000 reported marchers, the largest on the planet in 2020.  They've come along way here, with same sex marriage being allowed by law last year, but some parts of the government aren't too cool with it yet.  License plates here have a system with them being 3 letters and then 4 numbers.  This article from August relates that the government still bans the letter combination GAY as a viable plate due to its "alleged controversial nature"  Also not allowed on the 24 combo list are SEX and BRA, which probably get those tandem scooter riders all moistened up when they see it.  Also banned are the words CAT, PUP, ANT and APE.  I tried to find more info about the whole list and why some of these combos made the list to no avail.

This piece of news from September  was welcome and long overdue.  "Taiwan to fine drivers for not yielding to pedestrians"  I won't dwell on the asshole moves that has to be taught in driver's ed. here, but this is in the top 3 most egregious.  Someone is in the middle of a clearly marked crosswalk and dipshit drivers will cut them off.  The almost complete lack of patrolmen issuing tickets means that unless you kill someone, you can pretty much do as you see fit.  They only start enforcing stuff once enough people have been maimed or killed...I wonder if there is a ghoulish rubric for that.

Related, Taiwan teen woken from 62-day coma by words chicken fillet" Of course he was in the coma from as a result of a traffic accident.  These articles are typically short, but in it are two passages that describe his condition in exquisite the accident Mr Chiu suffered, 

subdural hydrops, pneumothorax, laceration of spleen, right kidney, and liver, bleeding from abdominal cavity fractures, common iliac artery bleeding, and most of his internal organs were seriously damaged.

and his surgeries included,

craniotomy, laparotomy, right kidney nephrectomysplenectomy, liver repair, right clavicle and right femur open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), bilateral internal iliac artery embolization to stop bleeding, and enterostomy.

One almost needs medical training to get through those descriptions.  A nurse attending to Mr Chiu said he went through a "constant war with the God of death" and said he was awoken when "his  older suddenly joked 'Brother, I'm going to eat you your favorite chicken fillet'".  Should I ever be in a coma, suggest frequent mentions of meatball sandwiches and chili dogs as part of my treatment.  

Also related, scooters are most certainly not allowed on the freeways.  I know I have a bunch of clicks in today's entry but most are there to go to if you wanted more info.  You have got to click on this one and scroll to the bottom and watch this dipshit cause a 10 car pile-up.  As a ton of cars have dash cams, there are some great angles.

Aw hell...while we're at it, sharing a couple YouTube video compilations of Taiwan scooter crashes.  Russian ones are more spectacular, mainly as they include crazy Ivans screaming and yelling, but these will give you a sense for the challenges the locals have with depth perception. 


Allrighty...finally for today, and also related to the roads and comas, Taiwanese man in coma after falling on passing scooter from 5th floor.   

A 28 year old man fell on a 54 year old woman driving a scooter.  Police are investigating   The woman cites her good fortune for not being injured as she has had many family members pass away this year and that they were the cause of blessing or good fortune that kept her from further injury. I've been shitty to some of my relatives, can their spirits travel internationally?  My favorite line from all of the articles today is in this story.  Describing the woman's scooter..."

The handlebar and one of the rearview mirrors of her scooter were damaged. 

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