Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 3rd, 2020

Hey there,

Been a while.  Have been meaning to fill this space for ages and have a ton of stuff backed up, but just cannot get the motivation.  I have a ton of excuses, but none are any good.  Whatevs...this is free so...

Thought I would give today a twirl as it is election day and share some thoughts on politics  Pumping this out just before the polls close so that is where it is coming from.  

First of all, I am historically a great sleeper.  Not to super power levels, but never have any trouble going to sleep or staying that way.  Always wake up at the same time and if I have to get up early (which is only to watch the NFL on Monday AM, my brain does that automatically.  Last night however, I kept waking up every hour or so.  Didn't feel any anxiety and my dreams were regular ones as far as I can remember, but have to think that the fate of the planet got in there somewhere.  Bet I was not alone.

My mom is in an assisted living community and other than doctor appointments, is not allowed out of the place.  I call her every morning at 5:45am (2:45pm yesterday for her).  Unbelievably, we manage to blab on about stuff for 20-30 minutes.  This morning, it hit me that it was exactly 4 years ago that they found that she had a subdural hematoma.  I know it was 4 years ago as that was election day 2016 and was simultaneously watching the horror of that election and getting updates from my sister on how they need to drill into my moms skull or she is gonna die.  Communicated with my sister today and that day is etched permanently on her brain as well...we both hope that today will end on a happier note.

I intended to write up a pre-election screed and had about 10 paragraphs down over last weekend, but after re-reading them, deleted the whole thing as anything I could say has been said/screamed by people better at writing than I.  Two things I've seen a bunch recently have been sticking in my head and cannot shake them.  The first are the articles by poll watchers warning that they could be wrong by a large segment of "shy' 45 voters.  45 is you know who...cannot bring myself to typing out his name.  I hope that isn't true but you know they are out there, so let's call them what they really are: Ashamed.  You should be and trust me, their decision here will be tattoed on their soul for however long their foul essence floats in the ether.

The other series of stories, and even videos, that perplex me are the ones about how to talk to your MAGA friends to help them to come back to reality.  They are all completely worthless as they recomend you talk to them as you would a small child.  Don't anger or chide them they all say, but try to sneak in facts that will get them to subconsciously recognize the hypocrisy.  Do you think this has ever worked?  I don't.  Here is what I think of anyone that would even consider pulling the lever for that guy at this stage...they are imbeciles.  Words that describe them are damaged, lonely, racist, undereducated (and proud of it), selfish, without empathy, and so many more.  Usually a mix of several of those things but without question, they are people where reason and facts cannot reach and I cannot tolerate.  Letting them know that they are out of my life is just about the only thing I can do.  Sorry.  I want to be nice but cannot feel any sympathy or affection for them and am not built to fake it. 

OK...gonna go and hit post before the polls close.  Good luck and hope to see you on the other side.

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