Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 19th, 2020


One follow-up to last time and the story of the guy that was shaken out of his coma by the words chicken fillet.  The miracle foodstuff when I'm in my coma is definitely Meatball Sandwich, but what I have found to be a great topic of conversation is to ask people what would be their go-to life saving food item.  It really gets the minds working and is a terrific ice breaker.  In other Meatball Sandwich saving the world news, a college student got a do over on an exam when she explained to her professor that a meatball fell out of her sandwich and onto her laptop during an on-line exam and logged her out of it prematurely.  The teacher had never had this excuse before and was so taken by the situation that he let the student retake the exam.  You can read about it here, there are even pictures.  If I was a college kid, I would be in love with this co-ed.

Last time I cleaned up a bunch of old stories about Taiwan, and intend to do the same with some pressing global issues today.  This burrito holder is proof that geniuses walk amongst us.  It's one of those ideas that makes you kick yourself for not thinking of the obvious things.  Upon closer inspection, it isn't really that innovative a product, just a burrito shaped but still.  And at 50 bucks, is anyone gonna really buy it?  No jokes or insight to share for this, I just think burritos are really cool.  And who doesn't need a bit of good news these days?

You will also be happy to know that my crusade against the use of the word pride continues.  It remains a balancing act not only cause I am most certainly not against capital "P" Gay Pride, but people get so touchy when they get called out on it.  "I'm proud of you" is said so often that it feels as meaningless as "How are you" in that it is a thing lazy minded people will say to congratulate someone, but once again, taking pride in others efforts is as mighty selfish so if you catch yourself saying it, or when you hear it out of others, think about another way to tell someone they worked hard and did a good job at something.  I bring this up yet again as this funny George Carlin bit popped up on YouTube the other day so thought I'd share...Pride goeth before the fall.

And if you want some more scholarly reasons why this is a shitty thing to say, here are three reasons, and here are some strategies to come up with meaningful alternatives cause I know you mean well, you just sound like a narcissistic jerk that doesn't put much thought into their words.

I do think that I am making progress on the overuse of the word actually.  Another bit that popped up in my YouTube recommendations is this SNL sketch called Passive-Aggressive Pam.  Note how her use of 'actually' accentuates her passive aggressiveness.

And you have got to read this article titled 9 Behaviors That Make You Seem Like A Condescending Jerk.  Number 1?  Using the word actually too often...I say just eliminate it altogether.  Do not share this stuff just to rattle your cage, but read them with an eye on my own self improvement.  The 9th behavior is one that I am very guilty of...cracking jokes at the wrong time.  Here are a couple of paragraphs from that...

There is a time and place for humor—most times and most places, in fact. But there are times when making a joke is uncalled-for—not inappropriate, per se, but unnecessary and potentially condescending. “Men don’t have always have the skillset to sit in their feelings,” Crossman says. “When things get deep, they’ll make a joke.”

Crossman attended an event to honor his old running coach, and one of the runners—who went on to be an Olympian—was telling an emotional story about how important the coach had been to him. The old coach, made uncomfortable by the tale, blurted out a joke. “He couldn’t handle how heavy the story was,” says Crossman. Be aware when someone’s trying to make a statement and deal with the emotions rather than make a joke to distract yourself.

Since I crack jokes all the time, I know that some/many of them are at the wrong time.  Haven't done a good job regulating this cause they are reflexive, but do know that I am trying.  And lighten the fuck up.

Here is a topic that I have seen people shaming other people for recently that I had no idea was a thing.  We aren't putting two spaces after a period anymore?  I know this was drilled into me throughout my formative years but now it is ridiculed (probably by millenials) as being something the cavemen used to do?  Am perfectly fine with this, just wish that we were all informed about the change via lengthy telegram or fax.

Do you have Spotify?  A late adopter of it a couple years ago but have listened to it almost exclusively ever since.  I started a playlist early on and now have many, but there is one that has been the receptical of all sorts of songs.  I know that no one likes the music I love, but this playlist isn't my normal go-to stuff, but is rather music that has flowed through my transom from all kinds of sources and think it is bullet proof.  Music from the last 100 years, it is heavier with some genres over others, but it is bouncy and cool in a hipster way from every decade and am really happy with it.  It's over 100 hours long now and is best listened to on shuffle.  You can click on this link to get it and then hit follow or send me a note and can invite you via whatever medium you prefer.  Seriously, it costs you nothing and will give your money back if you don't like it.  

Last time I communicated with you about media, I was in the middle of hate watching the show House.  It got worse as it went along, but I cannot quit a show once invested and finished it off.  After that, I watched something called Counterpart, which has that JK Simmons guy as a spy in Germany who travels between parallel universes and interacts with his counterpart in the other one.  It is Sci-fi spy thriller of two seasons and recommend it if you've run out of everything else and are looking for something weird.  The Mandalorian season 2 is on now and that thing is just about perfect.  I also got into the show Fargo.  Had avoided it cause the movie was so great and could not believe the show would be any good, but it is incredible and give it 5 stars...last episode of season 4 comes out next Monday.  And will admit that I am still watching stupid NCIS and Bull...the season premiere of Bull was last night and might just be the worst piece of TV I've seen in a looooong time.  You can say a lot of bad things about me, but disloyalty is not one of them.

Finally for today, cannot believe that there is a need to go around this block one more time.  Ran into an old acquaintance in the States on line this week and their crazy escaped with a volunteered matter of fact statement that masks were worthless.  My eyes literally start bouncing inside my head at the fucking death cultists continuing to swallow this garbage.  Now if this old acquaintance were a light bulb, he would not be on the Vegas Strip.  I wouldn't even say he's a dim bulb, but is like one of those florescent ones that flickers on and off...more off than on and always surprises you when it flicks on unexpectedly.  First of all, science.  Tried to relate how great it is to live here and for life to be totally normal and death free in no small part to the rabid use of masks to prevent transmission.  There has not been a single locally transmitted case in over 200 days, but in anticipation of the cold season where transmission rates are higher, the country is reinstituting mask requirements in all public gathering places starting December 1st.  Here are the specifics should you care.   

They want us sane patriots (wearing a mask should be a sign of patriotism, no?) to play nice with these chumps to close the political divide, but gawdamn, where do you even start?  After a patient telling of this person about my first hand account of how it works here, I got back a reiteration that of his 'belief' that masks do nothing.  I signed off by telling him not to kill his mom over the holidays and think he thought that was funny.  

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