Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30th, 2022

Hey there,

It's been relatively boring around these parts lately.  Three has been a bunch of baseball, but a lot of practices were canceled this last week due to covid fears.  The season proper starts the week after Chinese New Year...maybe.  The scuttlebutt is that we are going on-line through February if there is any rise in cases, which with everyone getting together for the holiday and it being out (today's news said they are tracing 10 different clusters) means that outcome is a real possibility.

Babydoll got covid.  She had to get tested and was positive even though she had no symptoms.  She is able to quarantine in her dorm room and said everyone on her floor either has it or was waiting for their test to come back.  The Boy has not gotten it as far as he knows, and he claims to his friends that he has some natural immunity due to his half Asian-ness.  Kid is living in the south and can see him taking a beating one of these days.  Probably when he is an old man cause that is when they like to beat up on the Asians.

It's been a while but have added a few things to my list of life advice I started a month or two ago.  This week I added "Give Blood".  There is no shortage of places to do so.  Unless you have some phobia of needles, and just not liking them is zero excuse cause no one likes them, probably the easiest thing you can do that benefits humanity in a tangible way.  Whenever I hear some SJW spouting off on some cause, I ask them if they give blood.  Most of the time, I get back some lame excuse, but that just shows me that you aren't even willing to physically do the minimum to do good for your fellow human, and you are not walking it like you're talking it. Get your ass to the blood bank.

I want to add a line about always searching for answers to life but missing them in front of your open to suggestion.

One thing on my lost summer list I was reminded of today was how much I hated using QR codes instead of actual menus.  I get why, but can still find them annoying.  Was reminded by this article on Vice called QR Codes Suck.  The title says it all, but the author really nails all the ways I feel and then some.

Like I said, quite boring around here.  Chinese New Year is on Tuesday...woo to the hoo.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23rd, 2022

Hey there,

Covid here is weird.  They are still into the zero tolerance state of mind, which means all arrivals must quarantine.  It isn't 14 in the hotel anymore cause they ran out of space, but 7 hotel/7 home.  With Omicron, they now make arrivals take a PCR test at the airport and wait for the result (before you would take it and proceed to quarantine hotel), so people are waiting an hour or three for that, which obviously sucks after you've been on a plane for 12 hours.  If you test positive, you go to a hospital and after that, who knows what'll happen.  Betty knows an Argentine lady that had to go to a hospital as she had a positive test (along with three negative ones) and she didn't know at first that there was a camera in her room.  She discovered it after getting naked.  I haven't seen this lady so don't know who suffered more, but still a bizarre scene.

The Omicron is out obviously.  It snuck out via some cleaning people and into the Tasty Steakhouse, but there were only a handful/dozen cases a day for a week.  But then it was 23 and today it is 80-something.  It doesn't take a Fauci/Rogan to know that this thing spreads unlike previous strains, so one has to figure it is fait accompli that it is all over the place.  The vaccination rate I saw is more than the States and have seen articles where the government is hinting that people need to be prepared for this thing to run wild, but they are still gonna try and stamp it out, and to get yourself vaxxed/boosted is the word from above.  It is a week until CNY so the next few days are gonna be interesting to watch.  We've already had some baseball canceled and I am dreading the possibility that they try to shut the whole place down.  

The knee is doing great.  Over did it at practice the other day and was sore the next 36 hours, but it came good and am walking without thinking about or noticing  it a lot of the time.  Talking to some folks and telling them I have a matching set of new knees, a couple of older types said that I am like Steve Austin now.  I know what they meant, but the kids have no idea, and the 20-somethings in the group don't understand what Stone Cold Steve Austin has to do with knee replacements.  I naturally counter that I am the 6 Million NT Dollar Man, which is about US$200, not that great.  A couple others compared the new joints to being like Darth Vader, which I kinda liked, but when I see myself walking in a mirror, I look like I am moving more like C3PO.

Speaking of looking in the mirror, I got pretty mad at Betty the other day.  Was in the bathroom and Betty walks in.  I say to her..."when I look in the mirror, I see an balding old fat guy...I could use a compliment."  She says, "Well, your eyesight is damn near perfect."  

That gag is a tribute to the late great Norm Macdonald, who said it in tribute to the borscht belt comedians of yore.

Not a response to last weeks discussion on clogging toilets, Betty sent the kids and I this search for the most effective plungers from Wirecutter.  Some fine engineering going on there, and I added the Korky 99-4A Ma Performance Plunger to not only my, but my kids Amazon  X-mas lists.  What I really want now that I never knew I wanted before is a Ridgid 3 foot toilet auger.  Have always thought augers were cool ever since seeing Dick Proenneke use one in Alone in the Wilderness.  

I'd feel like a real man using an auger to clear my Alaskan sized log.

Also not a gag was that it was the one year anniversary of mom's death.  I don't think it was on the actual day, but I dreamt about her for the first time since she passed.  In the dream, she was driving really fast, we caught air at one juncture, and she was simultaneously scared and defiant about her ability to still drive.  Don't think there is a hidden message there, but she was obviously on my mind.

That's it for this week.  Since it is relatively quiet, will leave today by cleaning out a couple of saved news articles.  The first is this gem regarding taboos to avoid during Ghost Month.  Ghost month is at the end of summer, and know I've shared these kind of articles in previous years.  One taboo that stood out in this year's offering was don't walk near walls.  Apparently, ghosts like to "stick on walls because they are cooler."  They are?  I've found the tile floors are cooler, but had no idea about walls.  What is also left unsaid is why ghosts prefer to be cooler.  More investigation on that topic is needed.

Finally, for this week...Nini Music.  Not a type of music but a performer by that name.  Got exposed to her from this article that highlights her music while also detailing the trolling she gets from mainlanders.  She is a local girl that plays traditional Chinese instruments, but in a decidedly cool way while also being super sexy.  Check out her version/outfit as she performs Flight of the Bumblebee at 182 BPM.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 16th, 2022

Hey there,

With travel restrictions in place, Betty and I were unable to get outta town over the winter break.  B-doll however had a month off of school and since she has to leave the dorms, she decided to spend a couple weeks at our Seattle place.  

It is cold in Seattle and she asked us how the thermostat operates to heat up the place.  We walked through it together as it is the first time we've had to turn it on and it does the trick.  For a night.

We get a call from her the next day and chaos has ensued.  We have one of those keypad locks.  She is sitting there around 10p and all of a sudden hears someone punching in the code to open the front door.  Very disconcerting for a girl alone in an unfamiliar space.  The guy who lives in the unit below us, and one of the condo board members, who is the handy man about the place, are the intruders.  We gave the neighbor our code a while back to help with a weather-proofing project.  B-doll doesn't know this and the dudes don't know she is there.  After the awkward introductions, they tell B-doll that water is leaking from our place into the unit below and that is when she calls us.  The leak is coming from the area around our furnace and not from our water tank.  We don't even have a water tank as we replaced it with the tankless kind this summer.

As an aside, we had a water tank in the house we lived in before we moved here, and one winter night, it completely discharged in our basement.  There is 60 gallons in one of those things and the water damage it did to that place was severe.  It took months to dry it out and the area was never the same again.  If you have a water tank, here is a tip that I wish we had received.  Sediment inherent in water builds up in the bottom of those things and it is good form to drain it annually, otherwise it may corrode the metal to the point it bursts.  There is a spigot at the base where you can hook up a hose to drain it.  Had never heard that before the incident and will never forget it.  I share this info in hopes of alerting people to properly maintain theirs to avoid such a catastrophe.

That thought was in our heads when we went tankless as we never wanted that to happen again.  We were naturally freaked when we get the call.  The condo guys, B-doll and us via Facetime are looking at the furnace and see no water.  B-doll says she heard some noises coming from  the intake vent next to the furnace earlier that day, so we unscrew it and sure enough, there is a pan in there that is full of water that is causing the leak.  None of us know why it is there but there had been a lot of rain and snow lately and some suspect it may be coning in from the roof.  Another thought was that since this was the first time we had turned on the heat, that it could be related to that.  But it is a gas furnace, so how could that be possible?  Concurrently, we are remodeling our master bathroom and workers have been there that week, and the condo guys thought they may have been responsible.

We turn off the furnace and ask our contractor to come over the next morning.  He figures out that it is the furnace.  It seems that those things are hot and water can condense in them, and they all have a water pump to move that water out and that the pump on our furnace is not functioning.  Who knew any of that?  The pump is behind a vent that is screwed into the wall, so you can't even see the damn thing.  I tell you this so you know, but I'm not sure that even if we knew all of those facts that we would have been able to prevent the accident.

Anyway, the contractor has his guy replace the pump the next day and it works.  We call B-doll as they are working on it.  She had been out during the day and had just come home while the worker is there and we're watching the guy fix it.  She goes to the bathroom and says, the toilet is clogged.  Flushes it a couple times and no flow.  She gets the plunger we have there and she can't get it to budge.  More thoughts are now going through our heads.  

Our family has a rich tradition of clogging toilets.  My great great great grandma, Elizabeth Zeiler famously had a May to September romance with Thomas Crapper, and we have been clogging all manner of toilets ever since.   Even though B-doll is adopted, it has woken the ghosts of Imbro's past to celebrate her development into a true member of the family.  On the kids roadtrip a couple of weeks back, The Boy shared that she clogged one at the hotel.

To be fair, I don't think it was her this time as these workers are in our house all day, and since they are fixing the main bathroom, they are using the other bathroom.  And by using it, I mean destroying it.  This summer when they were all in the place working, there were times that I thought a sewage truck had overturned outside our door as these guys diet must be rich in lard.  We have her call the board member that helped last night to see if he had a more robust plunger.  He comes over and we are still talking to her as he goes at the toilet.  We can hear him grunting he is plunging so hard and just when it sounds like he is about to give up, he shouts "I got it!" in joy.  We all agree that Babydoll has received a valuable lesson in home ownership.

And we think she got Covid.  All four of us Imbros got our boosters within a day of each other this week.  Babydoll in Seattle, The Boy in Durham, and Betty and I here in Taiwan.  A couple days after hers, I get a call at her 5am, and she is lying in bed sweating and telling me how awful she feels.  I tell her to call the doctor in a couple hours and to hydrate.  The doctor says to lay low and hydrate and she ends up feeling better.  Not sure if she had it, but maybe that, or a reaction to the booster or maybe the flu.  Who knows these days?

We were not pushing to get the booster here cause they seemed to have kept it out, but this Omicron, or as I am trying to refer to it...Donkeycron... is another beast and it is slipping through the gates here.  A couple of airport workers here, a couple of bank tellers there, and then a big cluster at the Tasty Steakhouse.  With the transmissibility of this thing so high, we searched for a place to get it and felt lucky when we found a place downtown that stuck us with the Moderna.  We were both a bit squishy the next day, but not too bad.  Feels inevitable that it is going to spread here and just pray they don't freak out and close up the town.  They are at 70%, which is a good number, but it could be more as there are a ton of folks worried about the blood clotting that a handful of people reported.  This culture is big on believing all the scary rumors from their friends.  I don't know what their Fox News equivalent is, but am certain there is one.  We'll see soon enough.

Monday, January 10, 2022

January 9th, 2022


Short stuff for this week.  

For years, have gone to a shoe store around the corner.  I go there as Betty has a ton of shoes and needs to have them repaired/resoled often.  I think that she doesn't wear some of them a lot cause she has so many and the humidity eats them up.  Anyway, the guy speaks no English, but we converse enough to get the job done.  This week, had a pair to pick up and another that needed to be fixed, but what needed to be done was out of the ordinary, so took Betty for the first time so she could explain what she wanted.  The dude was delighted to see her so she could ask all the questions about me that he always wanted to know.  We walk in and am using the cane, and the first thing the dude says to Betty, in Mandarin of course, is "did he fall down cause he's so fat? " This guy comes up maybe to my shoulder so respect the balls he's got to be swinging to lead off with that.  I am still looking in my Idiots Guide to Confucianism for the part where they say to demean another person as a greeting.

We also had a decent sized earthquake here this last week...6.0.  This was the first one where I was sitting on the balcony and it was pretty damn scary as it was rocking pretty good and we're 16 floors up.  The new knee got a good test of fight or flight.  Happy to report that it held up well under pressure and I moved fast without even thinking about it.  Flight is now back on the table.  I was always gonna be the one that the bear got to munch on while y'all got away.

Knee picture time.  The first one is one week post-op while the second is three weeks.

All the bruising is gone and so is the swelling.  Some isolated pain at times, likely as the areas touching the implant adapts to it, but already less pain than before.  Stiffness and a lack of range of motion still a thing, but better every day.

Saw this at the place where I get my coffee today.  The pooch was held in place with a harness like a Baby Bjorn.  He seemed happy with the situation.

As Fee Waybill would say, Talk To Ya Later

Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2nd, 2022

 Hey there,

When I'm watching sports, I hate it when someone makes a first down and spins the ball and gesticulates like they just took a gold dump.  That is why I'm hesitant to say this, but the knee is feeling great.  It feels really stable and while I am walking with a cane, it is more for posture than need.  Still stiff, and nights are hard to sleep through, but so far, really great.  Went in for the two week post-op exam and got two thumbs up from the doctor to walk as far as I want, drive, and put on my boogie-woogie shoes.  

There was a bit of funny at the exam.  Betty knees have been bothering her so she made a consultation appointment the same day as my two week visit.  Her time was 9am and mine was for 10:30am.  The way (we think) check-in works here is you take your National Health Insurance card and stick it into a slot of this reader board.  It flashes a green checkmark and some Chinese writing and you can see where you are on the waiting list.  We walk in, Betty goes to the cashier to take care of some business regarding my bill, and I take her card over to the machine, put it in and see she is first on the list.  We walk over and the doctor is just getting into the office, sees me and waves me in.  He looks at me for a couple of minutes, says all systems go and then I go see the nurse who is to clean up the sutures and such.  While they are doing that, Betty goes for her X-ray and we meet up outside the office to wait for the doctor to look at her pictures.  Across from us must be number 2 in line and he is talking to Betty with a scrunched up face and is obviously irritated.   When they are done, I ask what's up...she says he is mad that we are in front of them and she explains that she was first on the list, and then the guy asked 'what about him', referring to me and how I got through the velvet ropes before him.  'Maybe you should tell him why' I say to Betty, which she immediately understood and laughed at cause white privilege can be funny.

One of my missions in 2022 is to be in a room with a group of people, single one out and ask the others to give me the room.

The kids are hanging this week and took a road trip from Durham up to Massachusetts.  Great they can bond and have family time together and they look good.

That's it for this week.  Have been a total shut in and am now just venturing out for a walk, longer each day, and to buy broccoli from Mrs. Lin.  Hope to have something for ya next time