Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30th, 2022

Hey there,

It's been relatively boring around these parts lately.  Three has been a bunch of baseball, but a lot of practices were canceled this last week due to covid fears.  The season proper starts the week after Chinese New Year...maybe.  The scuttlebutt is that we are going on-line through February if there is any rise in cases, which with everyone getting together for the holiday and it being out (today's news said they are tracing 10 different clusters) means that outcome is a real possibility.

Babydoll got covid.  She had to get tested and was positive even though she had no symptoms.  She is able to quarantine in her dorm room and said everyone on her floor either has it or was waiting for their test to come back.  The Boy has not gotten it as far as he knows, and he claims to his friends that he has some natural immunity due to his half Asian-ness.  Kid is living in the south and can see him taking a beating one of these days.  Probably when he is an old man cause that is when they like to beat up on the Asians.

It's been a while but have added a few things to my list of life advice I started a month or two ago.  This week I added "Give Blood".  There is no shortage of places to do so.  Unless you have some phobia of needles, and just not liking them is zero excuse cause no one likes them, probably the easiest thing you can do that benefits humanity in a tangible way.  Whenever I hear some SJW spouting off on some cause, I ask them if they give blood.  Most of the time, I get back some lame excuse, but that just shows me that you aren't even willing to physically do the minimum to do good for your fellow human, and you are not walking it like you're talking it. Get your ass to the blood bank.

I want to add a line about always searching for answers to life but missing them in front of your open to suggestion.

One thing on my lost summer list I was reminded of today was how much I hated using QR codes instead of actual menus.  I get why, but can still find them annoying.  Was reminded by this article on Vice called QR Codes Suck.  The title says it all, but the author really nails all the ways I feel and then some.

Like I said, quite boring around here.  Chinese New Year is on Tuesday...woo to the hoo.

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