Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2nd, 2022

 Hey there,

When I'm watching sports, I hate it when someone makes a first down and spins the ball and gesticulates like they just took a gold dump.  That is why I'm hesitant to say this, but the knee is feeling great.  It feels really stable and while I am walking with a cane, it is more for posture than need.  Still stiff, and nights are hard to sleep through, but so far, really great.  Went in for the two week post-op exam and got two thumbs up from the doctor to walk as far as I want, drive, and put on my boogie-woogie shoes.  

There was a bit of funny at the exam.  Betty knees have been bothering her so she made a consultation appointment the same day as my two week visit.  Her time was 9am and mine was for 10:30am.  The way (we think) check-in works here is you take your National Health Insurance card and stick it into a slot of this reader board.  It flashes a green checkmark and some Chinese writing and you can see where you are on the waiting list.  We walk in, Betty goes to the cashier to take care of some business regarding my bill, and I take her card over to the machine, put it in and see she is first on the list.  We walk over and the doctor is just getting into the office, sees me and waves me in.  He looks at me for a couple of minutes, says all systems go and then I go see the nurse who is to clean up the sutures and such.  While they are doing that, Betty goes for her X-ray and we meet up outside the office to wait for the doctor to look at her pictures.  Across from us must be number 2 in line and he is talking to Betty with a scrunched up face and is obviously irritated.   When they are done, I ask what's up...she says he is mad that we are in front of them and she explains that she was first on the list, and then the guy asked 'what about him', referring to me and how I got through the velvet ropes before him.  'Maybe you should tell him why' I say to Betty, which she immediately understood and laughed at cause white privilege can be funny.

One of my missions in 2022 is to be in a room with a group of people, single one out and ask the others to give me the room.

The kids are hanging this week and took a road trip from Durham up to Massachusetts.  Great they can bond and have family time together and they look good.

That's it for this week.  Have been a total shut in and am now just venturing out for a walk, longer each day, and to buy broccoli from Mrs. Lin.  Hope to have something for ya next time

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