Monday, January 10, 2022

January 9th, 2022


Short stuff for this week.  

For years, have gone to a shoe store around the corner.  I go there as Betty has a ton of shoes and needs to have them repaired/resoled often.  I think that she doesn't wear some of them a lot cause she has so many and the humidity eats them up.  Anyway, the guy speaks no English, but we converse enough to get the job done.  This week, had a pair to pick up and another that needed to be fixed, but what needed to be done was out of the ordinary, so took Betty for the first time so she could explain what she wanted.  The dude was delighted to see her so she could ask all the questions about me that he always wanted to know.  We walk in and am using the cane, and the first thing the dude says to Betty, in Mandarin of course, is "did he fall down cause he's so fat? " This guy comes up maybe to my shoulder so respect the balls he's got to be swinging to lead off with that.  I am still looking in my Idiots Guide to Confucianism for the part where they say to demean another person as a greeting.

We also had a decent sized earthquake here this last week...6.0.  This was the first one where I was sitting on the balcony and it was pretty damn scary as it was rocking pretty good and we're 16 floors up.  The new knee got a good test of fight or flight.  Happy to report that it held up well under pressure and I moved fast without even thinking about it.  Flight is now back on the table.  I was always gonna be the one that the bear got to munch on while y'all got away.

Knee picture time.  The first one is one week post-op while the second is three weeks.

All the bruising is gone and so is the swelling.  Some isolated pain at times, likely as the areas touching the implant adapts to it, but already less pain than before.  Stiffness and a lack of range of motion still a thing, but better every day.

Saw this at the place where I get my coffee today.  The pooch was held in place with a harness like a Baby Bjorn.  He seemed happy with the situation.

As Fee Waybill would say, Talk To Ya Later

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