Saturday, September 1, 2012

July 21, 2012

July 21st, 2012
7AM on Saturday morning and the temperature is 86 degrees. Looking at the weather channel, with the 62% humidity, it "feels" like 95. You know how they say that Pheonix is hot, but they downplay it as not being so bad as it's a dry heat. Always thought that was a BS line, but now fully appreciate how oppressive the humidity is when you tack it onto hot. Another thing they show on the weather channel is the UV index. Not sure what the scale is, but it shows today as an 11-Extreme. That should probably bum me out, but is such a perfect Spinal Tap reference . The bright side? Zero chance of snow. Also, have lost 4 lbs (that's 1.8kgs) since Tuesday. Doing the math, will evaporate into a hairy steam cloud by the end of August. And coffee just doesn't go cold. Know that we'll adapt, but coming from Julyuary in Seattle to the land of 24-Hour Suana People is a shock to the system to say the least..
Basically, we make short forays out, but have been hiding inside with the AC blasting during the day for the most part. Initial impressions of the people and the city have been positive. Love the convenience of big city living...everything you need is within a few blocks walk, the transportation system is as good as any I've experienced, and the food options so far have been worldly and delicious. One of my pet peeves is a lack of manners or courtesy in public the able bodied 20 something dudes that jump the line on the #15 bus from Ballard to downtown so they get a seat while women and children stand...but there seems to be a passion and a societal concentration to respect the space of others in public.
That's it for this morning...future entires will include a "how to" on combatting roaches and navigation of the local cable company (two different topics), and a lively open forum discussing the merits of depilation.

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