Saturday, September 1, 2012

July 28, 2012

July 28th, 2012
Just got back from our first baseball game here...a 3-1 win for the Bulls over our initial favorite team, the Brother Elephants. The league has 4 teams, Bulls, Brother Elephants, 7-11 Lions and Monkeys. We are still undecided as to what theam we are going to support, but to keep it in the family, have narrowed it down to the Monkeys and Brother Elephants (Bro's). It ain't MLB, but it's a decent facsimile, and we live a 5 minute walk from one of the stadiums. Cute little boutique style with a great view, killer sightlines, neat artwork, and some yummy concessions. Dumplings, kebobs, a couple off things that we have no clue as to their genus or species, and KFC. I had a two piece K-fry and coke for 3 USD. Fans sang songs and beat on their megaphones in unison the entire game. A good time...we'll be back for sure.

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