Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012

Wasn't going to post today, but was irked by a bicyclist this morning and had to get it out of my system.  Have been driving the kids to school so far even though it's only an easy 10 minute walk.  Figure that we're up, need to take Betty to work at the same time, and it's still so damn hot that we might as well.  The road to school is really more like an alley with street vendors/bikes/scooters/pedestrians galore, and only one car can traverse it at a time.  So we are nearing the turn onto the schools street and the (obviously western) bicyclist going super slow in front of us gives me the left turn signal (arm stretched straight to the left).  Have always thought the bicyclist signal were dumb for two reasons.  One, if there is a need for a signal at all, you are probably in some kind of traffic where having two hands on the handlebars would be safer.  Two, if the cyclist is in a situation where the signal is critical for their safety, they probably shouldn't be in that situation in the first place.  Plus it looks stupid, but whatever...if it makes you feel safer, then have at it.  Problem was that this dopey woman wasn't wearing a helmet.  Made me embarrassed to be American.

Quickly...there are many Japanese owned department stores here.  We have three nearby and they are quite nice.  Good products, food courts, gourmet supermarkets, etc., but the best part is that they all have old school concierge counters.  Have rated them accordingly...

#3 - SOGO. 

The white uniforms do not flatter their skin tones and the hats are a bit over the top.  They did receive points for doing the whole cover the mouth te-he-he laugh thing when I went to take their picture.. 

#2 - Dayeh Takashimaya
Kilo for kilo the cutest of the concierge girls.  The blue uniform really pops and they wear the most adorable little hats.  Very 50ish PanAm vibe.  They would have been ranked # 1 until we ran into

#1 - Miramar
The pink outfits definitely work but the hats remind one of a taqiyah (Muslim skullcap).  What propelled them into the top spot was how they help with the elevator.  One of them stands by the bank of elevators and helps usher passengers on and off ensuring they go in the correct direction.  As the doors close they give a little is a version of it from YouTube , but the Miramar girls are even better at it. 



  1. What do the mean wear in the dept. stores? Perhaps you can get a job there and wear a cute little hat too.

  2. Yo, John. Enjoying your blog. Seeing if this works.


  3. your number one is not called's mitsukoshi dept store!!
