Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7, 2012

As I'm taking our kids to school each day, we see piles of local kids walking down the street going to the junior high school across the street from our apartment and am always struck by how many of them wear glasses.  Can't decide if it is due to more kids wearing contacts in the US, if the Chinese just have poorer eyesight in general, or if they are worked so hard at school at an earlier age that it makes their eyes go bad sooner.  Regardless, every one of them looks like a total nerd but would implicitly trust any of them to figure out how much to tip. 

By the way, you don't tip here.  Not tipping felt awkward at first, but am getting used to it and have not noticed that the service suffers becuase of it.  Better still, the price you see on the sticker is what comes up on the register.  I know that taxes are high here, but they must build it into the price on the tag.  Shopping is so much easier that way...not sure how to get that changed in the States, but it is a Godsend and something we should all work towards for a better tomorrow. going to admit to something embarrassing.  Recently, have become a dedicated fan of the Fast and Furious movie franchise.  Maybe it's due to all the hair raising driving that I've been doing lately, but have been identifying with Paul Walker's character Brian O'Connor.  Like O'Connor, I am only wearing shorts and t-shirts along with skate shoes.  When dicing up traffic, I don't move my head to asess traffic, but rather shoot quick eye glances in the mirrors to gauge the right move, and then laugh maniacally (but briefly) when the maneuver is executted with precision.  But most embarrassingly, have noticed that I am starting to walk like him.  He walks with his shoulders leading the way...kinda like the way a woman swooshes her butt, O'Connor swooshes his shoulders when he walks.  I noticed myself swooshing mine three times yesterday.  I can only go 3 or 4 steps before I lose tempo, but is a work in progress.  I cannot find any YouTube clips or on-line discussion about this phenomenon amazingly enough.  Rarely does something occur in life that doesn't have a hundred YouTube clips or some fetish website devoted to it already, but this is one of them.  Told you it was embarrassing.

I typed and then deleted a whole section on the conventions...a lot of friends are very adamant about their side being totally right and would hate to piss you off.  Suffice it to say that to those of you that are adamant Republicans or Democrats...I in total disageement with your view 50% of the time. 

The whole family is heading down south to Kenting for a long weekend on the beach.  Kids have a couple days off school Monday and Tuesday and we are going to revisit the resort we stayed at on our last road trip where we were stuck inside for the most part due to typhoons.  Hoping not to get any speeding tickets.  Talk soon

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