Friday, September 21, 2018

September 22nd, 2018

Hey there,

Have shared a bunch about Taiwan as a tourist destination, good and bad.  I think it'd make an interesting spot for a few days, more if you are a nature lover/hiker, and only at the right time of year.  This popped up in some feeds recently and encourage you to give it a spin (it's only 2:57 long).  Think it hits it about right and is kinda fun in an annoying millennial kind of way.  Let me know if you are more or less inclined to visit.  If you are reluctant to clink on links in this space, search Jam Campus Taipei on YouTube.

What is the right time of year to visit?  Certainly not now.  I am going to bitch about the heat until it lets up or I immolate, whichever comes first.  I know you are sick of me adding these screenshots but I could give a's 106 right now.

In kids news, the school had their first ever college fair last weekend.  They have visiting colleges all the time, but this was the first where they had a bunch together (130 from all over the world) and was open to the public at large.  They were expecting 900 but had 1700 attendees, so the place was jammed for the 3 hour show.  Whenever I say jammed out loud do so in the voice of Kristin Wiig's character on The Californians as she describes the 405 at rush hour.

Saw a few folks I knew and they and their child went table together, but I thought it better if Babydoll went up on her own as it would be a good way for her to learn how to talk to these college types without risk, and knew that if I went along that I'd do all the talking and make inappropriate jokes.   That gave me a chance to eavesdrop on others conversations and it is my firm belief that every current high school kid in Taiwan wants to study engineering in secondary education.  Babydoll and I would meet up periodically to  talk over what she heard and strategize questions, and think she took a lot away from it.  Mom is not happy that I have been pushing Australia as a possible option, but I loved a place called Monash in Melbourne during this visit.  As we'll likely be back in Seattle when Babydoll goes, mom thinks it is way to far away and that is a concern to me too, but the Boy will have completed 4 years at UVA and the distance from Taipei to Charlottesville is only 500 miles shorter than Seattle to Melbourne.  Add that there are no direct flights to Charlottesville and it would be faster to see our Melburnian.  There is a big BIG cost savings to studying outside the US however as we'll likely not be getting any in state discounts.  Regardless, the experience with the universities outside of the States was good for her as it opened her mind to things like possibly taking on the IB thing during her next two years at school as many of those require it.  Was impressed by her interest in the topic.

As for the Boy, don't recall if I shared the news already but he had to go back to the doctor as his tail thing hadn't gone away.  The doctor said he had to go for another removal procedure.  Mom had a visit planned last week and they scheduled the de-tailing to coincide with her trip.  It sounded like everything went well and when she got back home called him up on the phone while we're driving from the airport.  I have never heard him so dejected and in pain.  I have raised these kids to not complain...'your arm hurts, well your face is killing me' for example.  Kid had a broken arm for two days before I took him for an x-ray and he barely winced.   Hate hearing people bitch and I endeavor to not be a complainer myself.  If you ask me about something, like why am I limping, will tell you honestly, but will never bring it up.  I know I've beaten that into the Boy cause he never whines so hearing him in distress was hard and knew it was for real.  He told me today that he is thinking about walking with a cane so people stop asking him why he is walking so slowly.  His transformation into Mini-Me is complete.  

I was talking to some ladies here about our tails, cause there is nothing sexier to them than a man that is part beast, and apparently shared some graphic shots of his ass in a public posting a couple years ago when he had his first attempt at removing it and it made quite an impression on them cause they recalled it vividly.    I will not share the picture of this go around...yet.  I have put it at the bottom of this post.  You probably won't get to the end of this entry for reasons to be explained, but if you are the type of person that just has to look at the car crash, scroll to the bottom.

Finally for today, going to complete summer travelogue by going back to the beginning and the 10 day/8 show Yo La Tengo run from May 31st to June 9th.  Lot's of pictures and very specific recollections that are for my amusement only.

The dates are links to the set lists from that night.

May 31st, 2018 Neptune Theatre, Seattle

Went with a buddy this night and had arepas before the show.  We sit down with our sandwiches and my friend takes a bite.  A huge chunk went down the wrong pipe and it came back out and all over me in smaller but still well seasoned meaty chunks.  Gross for me, but we laughed.  Went for throat soothing shakes at Dick's after the gig.  This was also the first night hearing songs from their new album.  As I was going to be hearing those a lot over the next few days, was glad they made a good first impression.

The set-up for this tour was two sets by them, no opener.  First set was quiet and the second set being loud.  If you are doing the math, that's 16 sets.

- Musical highlights: The Story of Jazz and I Heard You Looking.

This shot kind of reminds me of Schroeder from Peanuts.  Think that kid would make a similar type of aural scrawl
 June 1st, 2018 The Neptune Theatre, Seattle

The week before I left on this trip, aggravated my back something fierce.  I stupidly decided to get out of bed is what did it.  It was not getting better and got into see my doctor.  As they know my history in detail, they hooked my up with the heavy duty prednisone.  It'll take another week to get back to normal, but the immediate pain relief was a blessing.  Would look back on tonight as being one of the best of this run from a noise perspective.  Went to the show with the same friends from last night and had some of the worst pizza post-game at their local.

- Musical highlights: Detouring America, I'll Be Around, And The Glitter Is Gone, Upside Down and Hanky Panky Nohow

 Water in a box is so Seattle
June 2nd, 2018 Wonder Ballroom, Portland

Drove to PDX and went to the show this evening with one of my concert wives.  Whenever one is on the west coast, you can understand why middle America looks upon it with disdain cause everything is organic this and cruelty free that.  Those are obviously good things that the heartland should embrace, but the snobbery with which the coastal elites talk about it is off-putting to even one of their own like me.  Anyhoo, while it is a common refrain all along the 5, they really live it in Portland.  Hard to explain but everything about that town is green/organic/etc to the DNA level.  They don't say that straws are bad condescendingly, they just are and people have no issue with the paper ones or carry their own reusable straw.  And beets.  They are the new kale apparently as every restaurant has them on the menu and all are so organic that it makes Portlandia's mocking of them seem naïve.  At one point, we're at a restaurant and there is a commotion on the other side of the place.  Then an ambulance shows up.  We ask the waitress what's up and she says "some one learned that the beets they ate weren't organic".  

A great show tonight with my friend Malibu.  Everyone that I talked to about going to see so many of their shows had the same reactions.  First, a look mixing disbelief and concern for my mental health.  Then they would ask why go see the same show every night and would have to explain that they play different songs and even the ones they did play nightly always had a different vibe or texture.  At $25 per show, I saw them 8 times for $200 total, always within 10 feet of the stage and know most of my friends would go see U2, Maroon 5 or some other relic and pay more than 200 bucks tosit half a football field away and watch on a jumbotron.  Third, they would ask if the band knows who I am.  I don't think they do.  We have had some interactions on email and they always personally respond to those, but they are faceless.  At every show I've ever been to some of the band, and always Mr Kaplan, will man their merch table to  talk to the fans and sign whatever.  Very endearing and atypical, but I have never gone up to chat.  I have them on such a pedestal that I don't want to be that guy that thinks he has a personal relationship with them and know I'd act like a weirdo if I did.  

On this trip I carried a setlist of theirs I was given at a show in Vancouver a few years ago thinking that one day I would get the nerve to have them sign it but knew I never would on my own.  Told my friend about it and she brought it along and took me up to the table after the show to have it signed.  She did the talking initially but elbowed me up to him when he asked a question about it.  He knew the tour the setlist was from but got the night wrong and gave me a look that he didn't believe my account of the night in question.  Then I started blurting out fanboy shit.  Ugh.  The tour the list was from was the acoustic tour they did with Dave Schramm on second guitar and I asked why they didn't let Dave sing any songs (he played on their first two records and sang a couple tunes on those).  Mr Kaplan's  face scrunched up and his head turned almost all the way around like an owl.  I rallied by asking about food.  They recorded several albums in Nashville and as I was gonna be there the next week, asked for his recommendation on where to get the best Hot Chicken.  I knew his answer was gonna be Prince's cause I know everything about them, but he confirmed that and told a story about how they were stopped by the Nashville airport TSA a couple weeks back as they were taking some with them on their plane out of town.  Then my friend asked if I could take a photo with him.  Can you tell my nipples are erect?  The dude is 62 years old.  Wish my hair was a little longer cause we'd look like brothers


I didn't have any picture frames but it fit into one of those old wedding photo don't mind, do you honey?

-Musical Highlights: Green Arrow, The Summer, Periodically Double Or Triple, Little Eyes, Artificial Heart an Evanescent Pez Drop

 All of the beloved axes.

Had brunch with a few Taiwan friends that recently move back to PDX.  They told me of a new sport outta Japan...competitive Pillow Fighting.  Looks like a blast and would be a sexy co-ed sport.

My show buddy decided to take the night off so went to this show solo.

Musical highlights: Pablo And Andrea, Mr Tough, Cherry Chapstick, Today Is The Day and encore with Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey.  Fred Armisen was watching from the wings.

After spending 4 nights with them playing their new songs, found that the ones I liked were now beloved friends.  Out Of The Pool in particular was one that always satisfied.
 W/Buck and McCauhey

 June 5th, 2018 The Fillmore, San Francisco

Went to the two Fillmore shows with my brother in law.  He is one of the few that gets the attraction and is all in on the noise.   Heard the band say in Seattle they rec'd a song request via email, and have been hoping to hear them play my personal favorite song for years so sent an email for Swing For Life, which they honored this night.  Love them for that.

Another treat tonight was their special guest.  I like the band Calexico quite a bit and they were playing around the corner the same two nights.  They brought the whole damn crew over to play the encore. they had been playing together for years.

Musical highlights: Swing For Life, Can't Forget, Before We Run, Shaker and Sugarcube

 Something to love about the Fillmore is that they give stuff to you as you exit.  It has always been a tradition to give apples to refresh you for the ride home, and a poster from the night.  Look forward to framing this for the Cave one day.
 June 6th, 2018 The Fillmore, San Francisco

A show with a ton of noise.  There is something about the racket they make that resonates with yours truly.  When I hear classical or opera, it makes me uncomfortable, but 5 minutes into their screeching roar and I am in heaven.

Musical highlights:  Fog over Frisco, Awhileaway, Stupid Things, Drug Test, Decora and lovely Monkees cover during the encore.

The Fillmore is a shrine

Next evening was a night off from the Yo La Tengo's and took the opportunity to see the incomparable Jonathan Richman.  He is simply adorable.
June 8th, 2018 Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles

Picked up a buddy from Taiwan that moved to Santa Monica and met another pal from the old LA days at Vim for pre-game meal.  No need to tell you how fantastic that was.  A perfect way to start off the night at a new venue in the heart of downtown LA.  It was both of these friends first Yo La Tengo shows and don't think they walked away as converts.  Might be because this was the least exceptional of the 8 shows...the all LA band encore was pretty special.

Musical highlights: The new stuff has become essential
Next day was the last of the run but the day was free,  so my old LA buddy and I did a pilgrimage to Arcadia.  It was Belmont Stakes day so went to watch Justify become the 13th Triple Crown winner at the Great Race Place.  Was just like every other time there...a gorgeous day with zero luck.
The obligatory visit to Taco Lita followed which made the day a success.  I bought an extra one for the flight out of town the next day and consciously put it in my bag for a TSA experiment.  Something about burritos and meat ball subs sets off their scanners and my bag gets pulled for secondary inspection every time.  Sure enough, the TSA guy finds it wrapped up in my bag and asks me what it is and got to say my favorite TSA line..."it's my emotional support burrito".
Is it weird that I dream about those bad boys?

Second show this run that I went to solo.  I love going to shows with friends, but going alone is OK too, especially to see Yo La Tengo cause no one else has the same reverence for them.  Have a particular spot I like to stand, which is 3 people back from the stage and off to the side in front of the monitors.  It is rare when being front row has the sound well mixed cause you get the wash from the stage monitors.  Most folks don't like to go to my spot cause it is too loud and/or crowded.  That said, tonight I walked in and there was a spot on the stage right in front of Mr Kaplan. 

Musical highlights: Alyda, Tony Orlando's House, Nothing To Hide and Story Of Yo La Tango.  

 New favorite phot of them.

At the end, not only did I not regret seeing all of these shows in a row, but felt great about that decision.  I thought I would feel sad it was over, but knew that I had tickets to see three more shows in Japan in October.  And they added a fourth night to that.  Real excited to be able to share that with you soon.

You made is the post surgery photo of the spot where the tail was.
Talk about tearing someone a new asshole.  One day, a very special someone is gonna see all these scars and he'll have some 'splaining to do.  Hope he comes up with some funny lines.

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