Friday, September 28, 2018

September 28th, 2018

Hey there,

In another installment of 'bad North Americans in Taiwan', Cody Wilson, 3D gun advocate a-hole was on the run from authorities for sexually assaulting a minor.  It was determined that he entered Taiwan before the word got out he was wanted and a man hunt was on.  I heard about the story but didn't know of the TW connection until I was at a kids soccer game and a buddy had the local English language local paper.  Don't see newspapers of any kind much so was curious and picked it up and saw the news.  At that point, Cody (of course his name is Cody) hadn't been found but all of us white guys agreed that it was a matter of minutes before he'd be located cause not only are there CCTV's everywhere, but we kinda stick out.  About 20 minutes later, they announced he had been found.  Taiwan and the US do not have an extradition treaty, but they had zero problem shipping this waste of flesh back to the States and hope he rots forever.

In "I was wrong" news this week, said I didn't see a way Richmond didn't steamroll their way to the Aussie Rules Grand Final, which is tomorrow, but they were dismantled by Collingwood last week.  The breakout star that night was 6' 10" Mason Cox.  Great story of a Texan that found his way after college to Australia and is the tallest player ever to have played that game.  He dominated last week and a crowd of 95,000 plus Aussies were chanting U-S-A.  You don't hear that much these days outside of certain enclaves in the States.  He  is such big news that he is getting press in American media.  Gonna root, sorry, barrack for the Pies over the West Coast Eagles.

Always loved the term barrack, which is only used to describe fandom for Aussie Rules teams.  Cool origin of the usage of that word...from Urban Dictionary:

Barrack a term for supporters of sporting teams. In Melbourne, the Victoria Barracks were located at St. Kilda Cricket Ground end of the Albert Park Playing Fields until the 1970's. At the north end was South Melbourne Cricket Ground. BOTH were also used as Football Grounds. In those days, people worked on Saturday mornings until 1:00 pm. Most lived within walking distance of their workplace. Early Melbournian sporting followers and the Barracks Military and Civilian personnel, evolved the habit of "going" to the "football" after work before going home or whatever. The games were not fixtured together, but alternative Saturdays, thus 'trapping' or encouraging the supporters to both grounds EACH week. The South Melbourne Ground was at the other end of the park and necessitated a long stroll. The 'Outer' of the South Melbourne ground was artificially 'mounded' for spectators' better viewing. The perimeter public fence was built at some small distance behind the bottom of the mound, to services for the supporters convenience. Some supporters, along with their sons, arrived earlier for a better location. The sons often kicked a rag or paper football 'end-to-end' to each other to fill in time. Watching was always a group of boys atop the mound and were first to notice the Barrack Personnel walking across the playing fields. Then would cry "HERE COME THE BARRACKERS!" As all young boys well knew, that generally signified the "Game" was soon to commence.

Have a new installment of "Getting Old WTF".  This one is only for the fellas cause it involves peeing and specifically, peeing while standing up.  When one is drunk, one is wont to lean against something to steady oneself...the wall, a tree, the clothes hamper.  You see it at public urinals all the time and that it is mostly old guys doing it.  I didn't realize that the old guys don't necessarily need to be drunk cause I have been leaning against the wall to urinate recently.  So I do that now.    Did a half assed internet search and while there were a bunch of hits asking why old guys hold up the wall when peeing, could find no medical guide that weighed in.  Plenty of threads by laypeople that had no interesting insight other than it being a balance need for us old guys, which is the likely reason.  Those threads devolved into all kinds of urinating idiosyncrasies that were amusing with the consensus that guys that sit down to pee are viewed pretty dismissively as not being real men.

One more thing for the old guys.  Have said it before, but rarely does a week go by where I don't notice an old dude in need of a nose hair trimmer.  Women must grow nose hair at the same rate as men, right?  You rarely see them with any hairs popping out, probably cause they examine their faces much closer than we do.  I go at my nose with a couple different kind of trimmers often and still catch one or two peeking out, so if you ladies have any tricks of the trade on how to stay clean, please feel free to share.

Decided this week that I'm gonna try to let my hair grow till it (hopefully)gets straight.  I've had a lifelong problem with severe scalp psoriasis that would get worse as my hair grew out, but that problem went away (either with age or that ayurvedic treatment I bought in Sri Lanka a couple years back).  Have always wanted long hair and a Seattle buddy my age that has curly hair sorta like mine has let his grow and it looked cool.  So will give it a go and see what happens.  This is not a mid-life crises but more of a bucket list item.  Stay tuned

Told you I became a Spotify fan recently.  Have also become a Hulu devotee.  We used Betty's sisters account this summer to binge on Fixer Uppers and liked the mix of old shows and new.  One thing I watched was that Louis CK thing called Horace and Pete.  An amazing cast and performances, but so deeply depressing  Am a noir fan, but this was so dark as to be a black hole.  The writing was on the wall that that guy had some serious demons.  The reason I mention this at all is that I was so delighted to hear that Hulu is rebooting one of my all time favorites.  Veronica Mars is coming back!  And Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is joining the writing staff.  Oh. My. GAWD!

Speaking of noise, that static programmed drum sound is getting ridiculous.  Stop. Why am I the only person that is bugged by this?  Are you all hypnotized?

Finally for today, do you notice anything missing?  Have not complained about the heat is posting..  It kinda broke on Monday and has been mild (touching the 90's briefly every day, but still) and rainy all week.    It has also been a mild typhoon year.  One was supposed to come through this weekend, but it made a hard right to the north and it's only gonna lick us a bit

Not calling heat season over yet, but will be able to deal with a day or two here and there so will stop my bitchin'.  As a hearty farewell to that nastiness, I leave you for this week with a screenshot from the Weather Bureau's site from a handful of years back that showed the path of a particularly sexy typhoon.

Leaning on the wall
3D pedophile
Let my hair grow
The drum machin

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