Saturday, April 4, 2020

April 4th, 2020

Hey there,

Gawdamn it...Adam Schlesinger died from this fucking disease.  I was/am a massive Fountains of Wayne fan and their first three albums are impeccable.  If you know them, you know what I'm talking about.  Pop hooks?  They got 'em.   Relatable lyrics that you'll be quoting forever and singing as you cut the veggies for dinner?  Check.  I was introduced to them via their second album Utopia Parkway.  Bought in NY and listened to it for the entirety of the cross country flight and has been in regular rotation ever since.  He also wrote the unquestioningly greatest song about (American) football ever and it literally gives me the chills every time it comes up. 

 You're sitting around now anyway so why not dial them up on your streaming service of choice. 

Rejoice in this man's genius. 

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