Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8th, 2020

Hey there,

I promised two non-plague entries in a row, but had to share the wisest bit of advice about the thing that I have seen to date.

I assume that everyone sees everything now, so apologies if this is one you've seen, but you know my sense of humor rarely strays.

Staying in this lane, was talking to my mom this morning and think I was able to identify my earliest memory.  We were talking how both of us are having our temperature taken several times a day and she is amazed that they are now just pointing the thermometer at her forehead.  I told her that a lot of places here have the camera that can tell how hot you are as you walk in the door.  We then played memory lane about how they used to stick it in your ear and before that, under the tongue.  I told her I remembered a time when she stuck it in my ass and even recounted the room in the apartment she did it.  She said there was no possible way I could remember that cause I would have been maybe 2 years-old, but told her that it feels like it was yesterday.  I don't think you need to have taken a High School psychology class to extrapolate where most of my "issues" originated.

Wanted to share a few stories that may have slipped through the cracks and lead off with this one:

My Baby Was Born WIthout An Anu

A few weeks ago, that damn headline kept popping up in my feeds several times a day.  I read the article and it is a harrowing tale of the years they dealt with this medical issue that is uncommon and so how no one knew how to treat the symptoms.  I am as squeamish about medical stuff as they make 'em...I will not watch Grey' Anatomy or anything like that as I have to turn away so have to think that the algorithm that targeted me for this has to be due to my frequent mentions on-line of all things scatalogical.

The Biggest Food And Drink Trends of 2020

Saw this one over Christmas break is one I do suggest you search it out cause it is hilarious.  Obviously, a lot of these are gonna be pushed to the side this year, but you owe it to yourself to get in front of the curve on adaptogens and functional drinks.  At the least, you'll be able to impress the Millenial/Coronial in your life.

No Girl Is Safe

This one will mess with your mind.  I don't share it cause I want to freak you out or to make any gags, but it is important that people are aware of the world, especially in areas that you can't find on a map (I couldn't identify it on a map and consider myself pretty well versed in geography).  It seems that in Cameroon, mothers are ironing their daughters breasts at a young age ostensibly to make them smaller as adults so the men will not be attracted and want to rape them.  A reminder in case you forget that "men" have been shit to women since forever, and that when people talk about refugees, they all don't want to come her to take your job at Hardee's

Who Invented Trap Music?

That is a YouTube clip which I also link below.  If you have been anywhere within a reasonable distance of me in the last couple of years, odds are that when we are together that that trap music sound will be pouring out of the speakers on the TV, radio or restaurant/bar sound system and that I have tilted my lance at the windmill immediately.  The most effe'd up thing about it is that most people don't even hear it, but it is all I hear.  Was watching Monday Night Football with a buddy last season, one that I would consider a knowledgeable fan of both football and music, and the iconic MNF theme song plays with the statico high hat over it.

It is the exact MNF song, just with this same garbage noise that is on every other song you hear spread on top like cheese wiz on a fine steak.  And my buddy doesn't even hear it.  Not just the MNF theme...listen to this travesty with the CBS theme song.

How am I the only one that hears this?  Conspiracy theorists are typically lonely dangerous individuals, but suppose we all are to some degree as I've yet to meet a person that doesn't subscribe to one, and I am no exception although I may be the only one that has this particular one.  That is, that encoded in the zeros and ones of this morse code is a subliminal message.  Can't say what that message is, perhaps there are varying ones, but you are being manipulated.  Resist my friends.

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