Monday, November 1, 2021

November 1st, 2021 Q3

 Hey there,

Day 3 is here, and as it is a Monday in Taiwan, that means NFL is on all day.  I always forget that it is the second night of jetlag when sleep is the worst and didn't take enough of my special pills to knock me out, so an early start to the day.  

Here is a fun tip for those with the special electronic toilets.  First thing in the AM, even before things have worked their way down for the morning constitution, sit down and let it splash your privates.  Instant refreshment.  I learn something new every time I use the thing and feel like an explorer who is documenting this new world for y'all.  Kind of like Magellan except instead of circumnavigating the globe, the water is circumnavigating my globes.

They deliver three meals a day, from 8-8:30, 12-12:30 and 6-6:30.  Whether I'm hungry or not, my belly starts grumbling at exactly at 7:30/11:30/5:30 and I react to the doorbell like Pavlov's dog.  Breakfast this morning was two mini-croissants (slightly stale), two pieces of smoked salmon, a hard boiled egg and salad.  And they always give a juice box...this morning was grape.  Sorry, eating, sleeping and pooping are about all I got.

Gotta tell you about lunch today.  It was in 3 containers.  One had some fruit (orange slices, 1/2 a kiwi and 3 cherry tomatoes.  Another had soup.  The third was a cup of noodles (no liquid) with a single piece of cabbage on top.   I ate the cabbage and added hot sauce to the noodles but they had no flavoring at all, so thought they'd be better in the soup.  Rather plain broth and when digging into this mixture, found chunks of meat in it.   It was that chewy wet flavorless texture that does not do it for me so I plucked them out.  Here they are:

That's some good lighting cause they look like some yummy tenders.  I was never pre-med but have seen enough TV shows to be somewhat of an expert and these bad boys looked like appendix (appendices?).  OK, I dumbed that down for those of you not as well versed medically as I.  What they really looked like were duodenums from cadavers of the people from season 1 of My 600-lb Life.  When they take your order, they ask how hot and wet do you like it. 

Finally for today, they had the annual Halloween spooktacular around our neighborhood yesterday.  Missed it obviously, but saw this article that has pix of a couple dressed up as the locally famous Covid Health Minister and the other as President Tsai.  So effin' clever and cute.  Check it.

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