Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 8th, 2021 Q8

Hey there,

Day 8.  Cresting the ridge and can see the end from here.  Here is something that has become a trend in quarantine...not needing full sleep.  Have been going to bed late-ish, like 11pm, but keep waking up at 3am.  I was attributing it to jet-lag, and it might still be cause it feels like that, but am thinking that since I am getting almost zero exercise, really no movement at all, that the body doesn't require as much sleep.  Tonight, am gonna bust out the sleeping aids and force sleep.  I mean, now is the worst time to have more conscious hours, and it is days like today when there is no NFL that I look ahead at the itinerary and taking a shower is the highlight.  I looked at ESPN+ and turned on college women's volleyball (American @ Bucknell).  Haven't heard about this feature from any of the other detainees, but will investigate.

OK, confession time.  I wrote the above at breakfast then tried to do some writing, read a book, and the normal q-tine routine.  But after breakfast, turned on the TV and cracked open the Johnnie.  Then, I watched shows, got drunk (not just tipsy) and then passed out.  Woke up late afternoon with a hangover and then needed a pizza..  The young ones out there, that is the definition of old school.  

Day 8...not my finest day.


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