Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 3rd, 2021 Q5

 Hey there,

Day 5.  This blogspot doesn't have a font that looks like I'm scratching how many days I've been in prison so you just have to imagine.  

Here is a picture of last night's meat.

At minimum, that is 75% fat.  But it's pork belly!  How that got to be a food fad, along with poke I will never understand.   I ate the veggies and put it directly back into the hall and will make myself a PB&J.  And I know the Chinese dude in the room across the hall is slobbering that down like a starving dog.  I love PB&J so much.  My mom made me one of them for lunch every day for school and I never complained once.  The only problem with PB&J is that it doesn't go with Scotch.

I got a call this afternoon from the quarantine police.  Am sure they are making sure that we are still in captivity, but they asked if I have any questions.  I will I know if I have a loss of taste when the food being served has no flavor?  

A bit of a milestone today in seeing that both of the kiddies voted in person today.  B-doll apparently couldn't single handily turn the tide in Virginia. Glad they are both participants in democracy...or what is left of it anyway.  Big in the news here today is the election of Taiwanese-American Michelle Wu as the new mayor of Boston.  

Just killed a mosquito in the room.  My fault as I leave the windows open.  Since moving to Taiwan and only going to the States in the summer months, I have had a mosquito bite on my body constantly since 2011. Again, probably my fault as I'm a scab scratcher.  The last month or so spent in Seattle this year, my body was bite free.  That run ends now as the little effer I just killed was loaded down with some of that sweet Imbro sangre.  Every prisoner on death row gets a last meal of his choice.

I had some other writing to do today for another project, so gonna call it a day.  

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