Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 4th, 2021 Q6

 Hiya...Day 6.

Should I be showering every day?  I haven't.  I've been every other day, mainly as I didn't pack a ton of clothes so needed to stretch them out a bit.  Am on track now and I feel way better after, so am gonna start the daily ritual.

Bet you're wondering what he can possibly say that's new.  Think I've made it clear just how awful the food is, but think I may be losing weight, so that's good.  And I am getting my favorite Taiwan Italian food delivered tonight, so that should be a treat.  But you want new, so here it is.

Have documented how great the toilet is and have mastered it.  Can push the 'open all' button in the dark and pee in the middle of the night in a semi-conscious state, and have dialed in the temperature, both seat and spray, to perfection for my body's needs.  I have avoided one button so far and decided to give it a try today.  There are three nether region sprays.  The butt spray, the butt stream, and one that I had yet to try that is in pink with a flat chested lady on it.

I'm no dummy and understand this is for the lady bits, but after 6 days in isolation, am looking for something new.  It did not disappoint.  Am usually glad to give details, but this time, am gonna let your imagination run wild.  

I love comedy.  Was raised by TV and my earliest memories include watching things like Johnny Carson, Laugh In and the Dean Martin Roasts.  I listen regularly to podcasts from folks like Marc Maron and Gilbert Gottfried and my favorite ones are always with other comedians talking about their art.  It is rare that comedians come from stable families and it is clear that dysfunction is to comedy is like hand/eye coordination is to an athlete.  Basically a prerequisite to start.

Of course everyone has some weirdness in their families but I would rate mine low on that totem pole, but have realized that in every interaction with another person, no matter if it is the kids, a good friend or a total stranger, I am searching to make a comment or joke in every utterance.  I cannot help it.  And I am certainly not saying that I am Rodney Dangerfield, but have this subconscious need to try to get the other person to laugh. And am self aware enough to know that turns a lot of people off and that I have strained relationships cause sometimes, I make the crack about that person.  That, or will take the gag to lower/dirtier levels until the audience is disgusted.  I have tried to not do this and simply cannot.

Which is why I complain.  The food or the weather here.  Driving is another good one...these are always rich veins of gold.  I bitch hard about the heat in Taiwan and guess what...I whined hard during the heat dome in Seattle and then when the temps when down to 40 degrees (4 celsius), I complained about that too  It is a place to start and tell my chambered jokes and then try to improvise new ones.  What I am saying is that I know you probably love me because of this trait and also know I have hurt your feelings somewhere along the line too.  It is always in the spirit of trying to make you laugh and always feel bad when it goes over the line and makes people feel bad.  This is not an apology...snakes don't apologize for biting people.  It's just what they do.

OK...dinner time.  So excited.

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