Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14, 2012

Betty and I sat down for a lunch of steamed soup dumplings (from Costco...good) yesterday and she turned on the local news.  They were discussing the controversial sign below that is posted in Taiwanese rest stop bathrooms.
They pixilated out some of the saucier bits on the TV.  Some people apparently don't like the graphic nature of the sign, but the workers at the rest stops were laughing about them and said that these are the kind of things that go on.  Not sure why you would pee like a dog in any bathroom, let alone a public one, but so be it.  Confidentially, I am guilty of two of these.

Have seen/heard two words used at least three times recently and am going to try and work them into my vocabulary...they are: agitprop, and meta.  Had to look them up..will try to use them in future postings. 

Our cable package is pretty good...we aren't getting new shows right away, and are about 6 months behind.  There are these bizarre movie channels that show only second tier movies, but are a treasure trove of good bad movies.  If this is a genre you also love, may I suggest A Gentleman's Game and The Oxford Murders.  Actually, I had seen The Oxford Murders at my friend Lisa's house while on vacation a couple of years ago and it held up as so horrifically bad/laugh out loud funny that I consider it a must see. 

The sports on TV is not great, but is getting the job done so far.  Am writing this on a Friday morning while toggling between the Thursday night Bear-Packer and Yankee-Red Sox games.  To make it better, my buddy John is on the Skype and we're talking football and he's telling me he's watching this Carl's Jr. commercial.  That's the directors cut of the commercial by the way.  My oh my...could go for one of those Memphis burgers right now.  On the Australian Sports Network (ASN) they show NFL games live (which means Sunday day games at 1AM and 4AM Monday morning), but the night games are on at a reasonable time the following morning's here.  Then throughout the week, they will rebroadcast at least half of the NFL games with no commercial interruptions and cutting out meaningless plays like touch backs on kickoffs.  Mixed in are a bunch of NCAA games...watched parts of the Oregon State upset of Wisconsin yesterday and will get the USC-Stanford game live on Sunday morning for instance.  They also are showing a lot of Australian Rules football, which has just entered its playoff season.  For my money, there is no better sport.  High scoring, fast paced with minimal stoppages, just violent enough (but not permanently maiming), and the cadence of the announcers is just beautiful.  Have been an Essendon Bomber fan since I was in Australia in '83, but since they are not in the top 8, am barracking for the Fremantle Dockers.  They aren't the best side (gonna be hard to get past Hawthorne...again), but have this recurring dream of retiring to Perth someday and want to get my status of life-long fan established now.  And how great is the baseball season this year.  Reds and Nats being powerhouses out of nowhere, and the best story of all are the Oriole's.  Local product Wei-Yin Chen is huge see his jersey all over and we get a ton of their games.  Coming from parents born and bred in Baltimore and being raised a fan of the Brooks Robinson/Jim Palmer era teams, something about their resurgence is totally pumping me up.  And battling the hated Yankees makes it that much sweeter. 

Couple of follow-ups from previous posts.  Here is a link a friend forwarded about why the Chinese kids are so nearsighted.  

Here is another in our ongoing series of jumping for the camera pictures...thinking about putting a coffee table book together.

And here is newly discovered photo from the Go-Kart track...taken just moments before Carolyn and I slammed Paul into the barricades (note the maniacal Fast and Furious Brian O'Connor expression on my face)

Was gonna disclose who I am voting for in November today, but have to go now.  Am invited to lunch at Chili's by some of the other 4th grade moms and cannot pass up an invitation like that...hoping for a Memphis burger. 

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