Monday, September 17, 2012

September 18, 2012

My notebook is full of thoughts and observations that aren't fully developed, so am gonna clean it out with some quick hits.

- There is nearly zero graffiti here.  I grew up in LA where they tag rocks and put concertina wire on freeway signs to prevent it (often times to no avail) I asked a local that had also lived in LA why he thought that was, and he said that it is a crime here.  Well it's a crime in LA too...I think he was hesitating too say what the real difference is between the two societies that causes this difference.  Concertina Wire is a great band name.  I also love the word Caravanserai for a band name.

- When you go to a restaurant and order chicken fingers...sometimes you actually get the fingers of a chicken. 

- It cooled down here the last couple of days into the mid-80's and the difference in the amount of C.C.'s of sweat the body produces is significant.  Have been able to open the windows to air out the apartment for the first time.   When going out during the day, there is a need to "powder-up" in an attempt to keep the "boys" dry.  I prefer corn starch...but end up coming home with a couple of hush puppies and a corn dog. dog. 

- We walk by a wig store every day...cannot figure out the reason for the long necks on the mannequins.  I think a long neck is just as sexy as the next guy, but these do nothin' for me.

- Have thought a lot about the difference between car vs. scooter dating.  Obviously not a personal concern, but more so from a Darwinian perspective.  On the one hand...parking is way better on a car date.  Remember when the Happy Days gang would go to The Submarine Races.   But I've seen young couples on scooters and they obviously provide a great opportunity to get intimate, and the vibrations of the road have to help grease the wheels.  Since they make so many of them in these parts...have to give the edge to the scooters.  And if you have one of these Italian inspired Vespas (available at Costco), you probably have to beat the Tofu off with a stick

- Have yet to wear long pants. 

- Have a couple more good Bad movies to recommend.  The animated baseball flick Everyone's Hero (Whoopi Goldberg is the talking bat of Babe Ruth!), and the Rob Schneider vehicle Big Stan.  I guess any Rob Schneider film would qualify as good/bad, but read the synopsis of this one and you will pray that it is on demand in your area.  Along this line, Bee Movie seems to be playing on an endless loop and I like to think my Jerry Seinfeld impression is now close to perfect.  The kids roll their eyes when I launch into it...try this line in your best Jerry voice;

Barry B. Benson: It's just... What? This is our whole life, and you're taking it without permission! This is stealing! You're taking our homes, our schools, our hospitals... It's all we have! And it's on sale? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I'm gonna get to the bottom of all of it!

- Generalizing for a moment, but I think that Chinese women look better in skirts rather than pants.  The best look of all is when they wear dresses.  Rubenesque is not a term I use often these days, and dresses seem to provide them a far more appealing shape.

- Cars driving slow in the far left lane should move over...this is true globally yet there are dopes internationally that are sitting in the fast lane doing less than the speed limit.  If you are guilty of this, please move your ass over.

- I know that in all of the jumping photos, I am never seen in the air.  It's called gravity.

One quick a previous posting where there was discussion of the term tofu being referred to women, and I was wrongly advised that the term was used to refer to a women's breasts.  I was corrected in that is to admiringly describe a Chinese woman's soft "white" skin.  Pasty and soft is what sells for sexy here.  As Homer Simpson might say, "Mmmmmmm...stinky tofu....aaarrrrrgh.

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